Great work! I am particularly impressed with the
seventh harmonic involving Mercury in a biseptile with Uranus combined with
the septile with Pluto. I interpret this as:
MER URA PLU Readjusting one's own thoughts suddenly. Quick at repartee.
Sudden and surprising changes in thinking. Sudden new cognizance.
Disconnected or disturbed thoughts. Quickly absorbing new things. Sudden
change of opinion and knowledge.
Direct hit on Tycho.
Thanks again.
Michael Jordan
Direct responses ap[preciated
"Anonymous" <Use-Author-Address-Header@[127.1]> wrote in message
> The sovereign astrologue Tycho Brahe was born in Knudstrup Skane,
> Denmark. Notably, Tycho shares the same Julian calendar birthday
> with the greatest starlight-studier of all time (M. Nostradamus):
> LMT: 10:47:00 14-Dec-1546
> UTC: 09:53:00 14-Dec-1546
> TDT-UT: +206.6 sec
> Julian Day: 2286081.91181
> Sidereal Time: 16h 55m 51s
> Metonic calendar: 21 Tebet 5307
> Islamic calendar: yawm ath-thalatha'
> 20 Shawwal 953 (1948439.17=1AH)
> Mayan Long count:
> (baktun.katun.tun.uinal.kin)
> Haab: 12 Mol
> Tzolkin: 12 Cauac
> Piscean Mars rules First House of the horoscope commensurate with
> first of zodiac, Venus Aquarius to ascendant exalts Twelfth House
> conjunct Pluto therein, Jupiter Capricorn third decan in Eleventh
> House sojourn at angle Ascendant. Saturn rules in the Tenth House
> Sagittarius with Sun & Mercury therein; Virgin Moon Seventh House
> with Uranus, tail of the dragon therein, dragon's head to head of
> Draco Ninth House; fortune Libra Eighth, spirit Taurus Third, the
> Mintaka pyramidstar Fourth; Neptune retrograde Aries Second House
> and the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn & Uranus are closing distance:
> Tuesday 14 December 1546 AD 10:47 AM LMT GMT +0:54 13:30E 55:59N
> Body S_Longitude Z_Placement Latitude r Hs RUL. Velocity
> East Point:279.1237090 24Aqu07'25" __________ - 01 [R] __________
> Equinox :296.5290811 11Pis31'45" + 0:00'00" 01 | __________
> *Mars :307.5365915 22Pis32'12" + 0:16'00" - 01 [R] +0.5168740
> Neptune :323.4161243 08Ari24'58" - 1:49'10" - 02 [-] -0.0081730
> Sheratan :324.1847948 09Ari11'05" + 8:28'08" 02 | beAri
> Spirit :351.9134260 06Tau54'48" __________ - 03 [-] __________
> Aldebaran :000.0000000 15Tau00'00" - 5:29'59" 03 | alTau
> Bellatrix :011.1636775 26Tau09'49" -16:52'26" 03 | gaOri
> Antemidhea:011.7593208 26Tau45'34" __________ 04 | __________
> Capella :012.0718645 27Tau04'19" +22:51'36" 04 | alAur
> Mintaka :012.6125298 27Tau36'45" -23:00'55" 04 | deOri
> Descendant:072.9760112 27Can58'34" __________ 06 | __________
> Psi Leo :073.7013182 28Can42'05" + 0:19'07" 06 | psLeo
> Vertex :103.0248457 28Leo01'29" __________ - 07 [R] __________
> Uranus :105.6220882 00Vir37'20" + 0:46'43" - 07 [-] +0.0005959
> Alkaid :107.0835374 02Vir05'01" +54:23'41" 07 | etUMa
> Moon :109.7025637 04Vir42'09" - 5:03'42" - 07 [-] +11.938555
> Lilith :126.6116367 21Vir36'42" - 4:18'50" d 07 [-] +0.1116600
> Fortune :154.0385964 19Lib02'19" __________ - 08 [-] __________
> Rastaban :182.1119165 17Sco06'43" +75:19'53" 09 | beDra
> True Node :184.4472475 19Sco26'50" + 0:00'00" - 09 [-] -0.0158966
> Midheaven :191.7593208 26Sco45'34" __________ 10 | __________
> Solar Apex:202.3598523 07Sag21'35" +53:29'34" 10 | HerA*
> Saturn :204.0872965 09Sag05'14" + 0:52'39" - 10 [R] +0.1173500
> Mercury :206.9457349 11Sag56'45" - 1:33'13" F 10 [-] +1.5957808
> Sun :208.6399786 13Sag38'24" - 0:00'01" - 10 [-] +1.0195906
> Jupiter :245.2342410 20Cap14'03" - 0:44'05" d 11 [-] +0.2149106
> Alnair :246.0759023 21Cap04'33" -32:51'11" 11 | alGru
> Ascendant :252.9760112 27Cap58'34" __________ 12 | __________
> Venus :255.4157105 00Aqu24'57" - 1:39'16" - 12 [e] +1.0832446
> Pluto :257.3516922 02Aqu21'06" -10:31'49" - 12 [d] +0.0204039
> Distance(AU)
> Earth: 00.0000000 (~)
> Sun: 00.9831010 (+)
> Moon: 00.0026951 (-)
> Mercury: 01.4423090 (+)
> Venus: 00.7671475 (+)
> *Mars: 00.9852466 (-)
> Jupiter: 05.7964415 (-)
> Saturn: 11.0848751 (+)
> Uranus: 18.0611085 (+)
> Neptune: 29.3934978 (-)
> Pluto: 40.2765486 (-)
> Node: 00.0026211 (+)
> Lilith: 00.0027106 (~)
> Meridian Cusps
> *01: 24Aqu07'25"
> 02: 26Pis41'47"
> 03: 27Ari58'08"
> 04: 26Tau45'34"
> 05: 24Gem22'20"
> 06: 23Can01'06"
> 07: 24Leo07'25"
> 08: 26Vir41'47"
> 09: 27Lib58'08"
> 10: 26Sco45'34"
> 11: 24Sag22'20"
> 12: 23Cap01'06"
> Major Aspects
> 1: Sun (Sag) Con (Sag) Mercury - orb: a1:41' - power: 21.40
> 2: Sun (Sag) Con (Sag) Saturn - orb: s4:33' - power: 13.81
> 3: Venus (Aqu) Con (Aqu) Pluto - orb: a1:56' - power: 13.65
> 4: Mercury (Sag) Con (Sag) Saturn - orb: s2:51' - power: 13.04
> 5: Moon (Vir) Con (Vir) Uranus - orb: s4:04' - power: 11.27
> 6: Saturn (Sag) Tri [Ari] Neptune - orb: s0:40' - power: 11.09
> 7: Mars (Pis) Sex (Cap) Jupiter - orb: s2:18' - power: 5.53
> 8: Moon (Vir) Squ (Sag) Saturn - orb: a4:23' - power: 5.09
> 9: Mars (Pis) Opp (Vir) Lilith - orb: s0:55' - power: 4.67
> 10: Mercury (Sag) Tri [Ari] Neptune - orb: s3:31' - power: 4.37
> 11: Sun (Sag) Tri [Ari] Neptune - orb: s5:13' - power: 3.92
> 12: Jupiter (Cap) Sex [Sco] Node - orb: s0:47' - power: 2.85
> 13: Jupiter (Cap) Tri (Vir) Lilith - orb: a1:22' - power: 2.23
> 14: Jupiter (Cap) Squ (Lib) Fortune - orb: a1:11' - power: 2.14
> Planetary Influence in Meridian Houses
> Planet: Position Aspects Parallel Total Rank Percent
> Sun: 39.5 ( 1) + 19.6 ( 2) + 1.9 ( 1) = 60.9 ( 1) / 16.8%
> Moon: 28.5 ( 2) + 8.2 ( 5) + 0.0 ( 6) = 36.7 ( 4) / 10.1%
> Mercury: 18.6 ( 7) + 19.4 ( 3) + 0.1 ( 5) = 38.1 ( 3) / 10.5%
> Venus: 19.5 ( 6) + 6.8 ( 6) + 1.2 ( 3) = 27.6 ( 7) / 7.6%
> Mars: 22.0 ( 4) + 5.1 (10) + 0.0 ( 7) = 27.1 ( 8) / 7.5%
> Jupiter: 22.0 ( 5) + 5.3 ( 9) + 1.5 ( 2) = 28.8 ( 5) / 8.0%
> Saturn: 26.0 ( 3) + 21.5 ( 1) + 0.4 ( 4) = 48.0 ( 2) / 13.3%
> Uranus: 18.4 ( 8) + 5.6 ( 8) + 0.0 ( 8) = 24.1 (10) / 6.7%
> Neptune: 18.0 (10) + 9.7 ( 4) + 0.0 ( 9) = 27.7 ( 6) / 7.7%
> Pluto: 18.3 ( 9) + 6.8 ( 7) + 0.0 (10) = 25.1 ( 9) / 6.9%
> Node: 6.0 (12) + 1.4 (12) + 0.0 (11) = 7.4 (12) / 2.1%
> Lilith: 6.8 (11) + 3.4 (11) + 0.0 (12) = 10.2 (11) / 2.8%
> Total: 243.5 +112.9 + 5.1 = 361.5 / 100.0%
> Planetary Influence in Whole Houses
> Planet: Position Aspects Parallel Total Rank Percent
> Sun: 31.5 ( 2) + 15.6 ( 3) + 1.9 ( 1) = 49.0 ( 1) / 15.3%
> Moon: 28.5 ( 3) + 7.2 ( 5) + 0.0 ( 6) = 35.7 ( 3) / 11.1%
> Mercury: 15.3 ( 9) + 15.7 ( 2) + 0.1 ( 5) = 31.0 ( 5) / 9.7%
> Venus: 17.5 ( 5) + 5.1 ( 8) + 1.1 ( 3) = 23.7 ( 7) / 7.4%
> Mars: 16.5 ( 7) + 4.5 (10) + 0.0 ( 7) = 21.0 ( 8) / 6.6%
> Jupiter: 32.8 ( 1) + 6.1 ( 6) + 1.6 ( 2) = 40.4 ( 2) / 12.6%
> Saturn: 17.5 ( 6) + 17.0 ( 1) + 0.3 ( 4) = 34.8 ( 4) / 10.9%
> Uranus: 15.5 ( 8) + 5.2 ( 7) + 0.0 ( 8) = 20.6 ( 9) / 6.4%
> Neptune: 21.5 ( 4) + 9.0 ( 4) + 0.0 ( 9) = 30.5 ( 6) / 9.5%
> Pluto: 11.3 (10) + 5.1 ( 9) + 0.0 (10) = 16.4 (10) / 5.1%
> Node: 8.5 (11) + 2.1 (12) + 0.0 (11) = 10.6 (11) / 3.3%
> Lilith: 4.1 (12) + 2.6 (11) + 0.0 (12) = 6.8 (12) / 2.1%
> Total: 220.4 + 95.2 + 5.0 = 320.6 / 100.0%
> Planetary Influence in the Zodiac
> Planet: Position Aspects Parallel Total Rank Percent
> Sun: 31.5 ( 1) + 15.2 ( 2) + 1.7 ( 1) = 48.3 ( 1) / 16.2%
> Moon: 27.5 ( 2) + 7.0 ( 5) + 0.0 ( 6) = 34.5 ( 2) / 11.6%
> Mercury: 14.3 ( 8) + 15.0 ( 3) + 0.1 ( 5) = 29.3 ( 5) / 9.8%
> Venus: 13.0 ( 9) + 4.7 ( 8) + 0.9 ( 3) = 18.6 ( 9) / 6.3%
> Mars: 17.5 ( 5) + 4.2 (10) + 0.0 ( 7) = 21.7 ( 7) / 7.3%
> Jupiter: 25.5 ( 3) + 5.1 ( 6) + 1.4 ( 2) = 32.0 ( 4) / 10.7%
> Saturn: 16.5 ( 6) + 16.2 ( 1) + 0.3 ( 4) = 33.0 ( 3) / 11.1%
> Uranus: 15.0 ( 7) + 5.0 ( 7) + 0.0 ( 8) = 20.0 ( 8) / 6.7%
> Neptune: 20.5 ( 4) + 8.6 ( 4) + 0.0 ( 9) = 29.1 ( 6) / 9.8%
> Pluto: 13.0 (10) + 4.7 ( 9) + 0.0 (10) = 17.7 (10) / 6.0%
> Node: 6.0 (11) + 1.5 (12) + 0.0 (11) = 7.5 (11) / 2.5%
> Lilith: 3.5 (12) + 2.4 (11) + 0.0 (12) = 5.9 (12) / 2.0%
> Total: 203.7 + 89.4 + 4.3 = 297.4 / 100.0%
> --adjudicated by Daniel Joseph Min this 5th day of March 2001 AD
> Return to Natal Charts