I hate to remind you but...
Transits don't kill people but guns do...
I was particularly disappointed by (sic) "President" Bush's refusal to
lay the blame at the feet of the domestic arms industry who were major
funders of the election of Bush.
Also I'm lamenting the weak-minded father who had a house filled with nearly
a dozen guns who was obviously the victim of the paranoia pandering of the gun lobbying
bible-thumping conservatives. Hiding behind the god-like Charlton Heston who empowers the
weak-minded knuckle-draggers who have to brandish a gun or kill an animal to be noticed.
Imagine the horror and burden of the child having to grow up normal, loving
and whole; in such a nightmare. The subtle subversion of the child walking by those guns
in that cabinet every day of his young adult life. The need to gain the approval of his
father, and finally an unfortunate choice to right a social slight and gain the
approval of his father by using the weapons of his father.
Of course for "President" Bush it was about a child not having been taught
to value the lives of others. (Charles Andrew Williams musta been attending the School of the Americas on
the internet instead of a San Diego County School. )
Neptune is the father of illusion, deception, and religion and other such
insanities. Will we astrologers ever get hip to the dangers of Neptune,
or are we doomed to play this out as the "fire next time"?
Admetos and Lilith-- extremes without any means of managing them except
the pseudo Neptune remedies of religion, and gunpowder.
Everyone would have been better off if Charles had smoked and drank and
drugged and woke up with a hangover instead of maintaining the sober and righteous
conciousness which it appears he did.
I for one hope that George (the self described "dictator") starts drinking
heavily again and can't function. Bush was smiling (just like Charles) the day Bush ordered
the military to bomb the middle east. (I was heartened when he was seen at
his ranch with a large glass of red wine the day after the election sitting around the
room with Candoleza Rice, Trent Lott, Cheney,and the gang but I guess the bible
thumpers are going to save his soul and trash the country in the process. )
I sure hope that alcohol is stronger than reason in his case.
But please George, stay away from the cocaine it will make you feel
invincible and you are strong enough without it.
The Earth (and its life forms however) is fragile and cannot take bombs
away forever.
The craziness of the presidential spinning has the kid in San Diego taking
the heat for merely following the example which "president" Bush gave only a
few weeks before under nearly identical celestial influences.
Don't negotiate just blow 'em up! Use your father's guns and aggressive
offensive ministers (in Colin Powell and his coitere') to gain his father's
(George Sr.'s) love and respect. and blow away innocent folks because you
lack the developed social skills to negotiate and are perpetuating the
familial disease which goes back to Prescott Scott Bush and his forebears.
That's just the same thing that Charles Andrew Williams did. He followed
the lead of the "president" and valued guns and violence over intelligence
and negotiation.
Until Americans are worthy of the grave responsibilities of government and
do not allow coups to take place (where election fraud is met with unconquerable resistance) we will
continue to embarrass the rest of the world as we have our 15 minutes of fame on the world stage; and we will
continue avoid responsibility for the perpetuation of our sub-spiritual actions.
As John said, "The dream is over."
Michael Jordan