Dear sxxxxx,
I was deeply shocked and profoundly troubled in hearing the news of the outcome of your confronting bxxxxx cxxxxx on Saturday last. I hope you are well and that axxxxx fxxxxx is nearby to comfort and soothe you in your time of trouble and deep despair.
(At the staff meeting)
We heard jxxxxx account of the incident and it painted you as compassionate and repentant after an episode of emotional excess. I understand these incidents even as they were described to me, as I am myself capable of a loss of patience when confronted by an ego which does not play fair, and habitually uses race and gender to trigger politically correct (sic) responses of diversity to garner acceptance from persons who are not equipped to deal with issues. It was suggested by one staff member that you lacked diversity training and that the board was remiss for not providing it to all of the members including yourself.
At this insult to you I spoke up for you after Axx xxxxxxx advocated for you asking for some gesture to you for your consolation in the grief you were feeling which was rejected by jxxxxx oxxx.
I related that my experience of you was one of warmth and interest, congeniality and commitment juxtaposed to a persistently negative vibe, demeanor and presence of bxxxxx cxxxxx who had several weeks to introduce herself to me or have someone else introduce me to her and avoided all attempts. Whenever I tried to create an opening platform for an introduction she ran away and avoided all confrontation. I noticed a decidedly negative quality about her and I asked sxxxxx fxxxxx and she refused to fill me in just saying she was under a lot of stress due to her direction of xxx xxx xxx xxx coupled with her board position with sxxx and I asked Ray Santiago a few days later and he said something similar.
Her agenda was Sappho corrupted for study hall. I wish that all of the people who want to run the world would do their homework.
My comment to the staff on the meeting on Monday was that she was a time-bomb ticking. bxxxxx carries a chip on her shoulder evident from the very first time I tried to make contact with her. It was amazing to see 80 % of the people of the staff shaking their heads in agreement as to what I was so gauche to point out in full relief. However as I was not allowed to savor the affirmative nodding response I was seriously unnerved as to the fact that no one was willing to jump talking at first. Then jxxxxx spoke up and said that he had experienced "a revved up and revving" bxxxxx (the undertone being that she was abrasive and looking for complete affirmation of her directions for sxxx). I read this personally as a complete acceptance of her megalomaniac ascendancy. She lectures for cash and needs a continually increased visibility on boards to boost her credibility/salability.
I personally believe that you may have been the victim of a carefully orchestrated sandbagging for the purpose of getting you off the board to tip the balance in favor of the ever growing Bhuddist group of activists at sxxx. During the Thursday staff meeting it was again (for the second time) underscored that the staff was not to be in the building on the Saturday (15 September 2000) of the executive committee session at the office because there was likely to be an incident. This is the second time that this was mentioned by jxxxxx oxxx over the course of the fortnight leading up to the meeting. During that time period the seeds of a battle to make an end run around the by-laws of sxxx and keep bxxxxx cxxxxx on the executive committee of the board were being sown. The purposeful dominating of the sight program all day meeting on Friday the 14th September by bxxxxx cxxxxx and jxxxxx oxxx which I was able to overhear seemed to be directed toward minimizing your input into the process and to belittle your contributions in a subtle manner; setting you up for a two-pronged attack by jxxxxx and bxxxxx the following day at the executive meeting.
bxxxxx cxxxxx actually says on her website that she spells her name in small letters to keep her humble. With such intrinsically humble talents resident in her truly humble intellect she has no choice but embrace humility. If only that were the case!!!!
jxxxxx instructed that staff members not involve themselves in this issue regarding the two of you but in the same breath asked (read required) us all to sign a card asking bxxxxx to return and wishing her well.
At the onset and at the ending of the meeting of staff we were instructed by jxxxxx oxxx not to side with anyone,.. but of course we were already sending her a card. She was threatening lawsuits against sxxx so he had to have her back on board. That was such a sleazy inference that I was appalled. For as long as I am here I will keep you informed. If you need further updates….
I think a good position for you would be for you to attend the November Board Meeting and take advantage of the confluence of sxxx’tees and I predict that you find that there are many who feel like you that there is no need for the lightweights like cxxxxx who feel that they can highjack a social revolution for their own personal aggrandizement.
Everyone has paid dues…Everyone!
You were sandbagged, played for a chump, and you were set up. Fight Back!
There is no place in this world for any considerations of race and gender. Conscious spirits like you have for several decades created a world vision devoid of racial and gender preferences and you don’t need to be told how to spend your gifts by those who would take your first born (in this case sxxx).