Explanation of defined terms:


The word astrology is a combination of the two Greek roots: star (astro), and logic (logos). Astrology developed to its present form by the means of empirical investigation of terrestrial events and their synchronicity with extra-terrestrial events such as planetary and stellar events.

Harmonic Astrology

Harmonic Astrology is a development of the late 20th century. Harmonics are measured intervals of a complete cycle. An example of this is the scale of music. Harmonics provide a means of linking planets together in the manner of musical intervals and chords.  The present work is the combination of these elements into recognizable language elements to provide meaning to the seemingly random patterns of planets.

Harmonic Astrology inherits a wealth of interpretational material which enables it to be of great utility in cases where times of a birth or the inception of an event is missing or in doubt. All of the examples in this first section of Harmonic Astrology are presented without many of the normal "personal points" of traditional astrology. Those points are Midheaven, Aries Point, Ascendant, Sun, and the Moon. The additional use of the personal points will enhance and expand these examples when added into the combinations when examining timed events. The personal points have been excluded from the opening examples and footnoted examples to avoid issues that disputed times of births and events may cause.

The planets used in these opening examples are Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Node, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos, Vulcanus, and Poseidon.

The harmonics used are the 1st (0 Degrees), 2nd (180 Degrees), 3rd (120 Degrees), 5th (72 Degrees), 7th (51.428571 Degrees), and on occasion the 11th (32.72 Degrees) and the 13th (27.692307).

The primary methodology which distinguishes Harmonic Astrology, from other kinds of astrology is the use of only prime number harmonics when interpreting the planetary composition. Other forms use the sub-harmonics of 4 (2x2), 6 (2x3), 8 (2x4), 9 (3x3), 10 (2x5). 12 (2x6 or 3x4), 14 (2x7), 15 (3x5), 16 (4x4 or 2x8) etc. These harmonics are multiples of prime numbers and therefore are considered in Harmonic Astrology to repeat earlier harmonics and do not essentially introduce new relationships but rather buttress the earlier prime harmonics.

Harmonic Astrology harmonics
Harmonic Number Harmonic Multiple Degree Amount
1 primary 0
2 primary 180
3 primary 120,240
4 2x2 90, 270
5 primary 72,144,216,288
6 2x3 60
7 primary 51.428571, 102.857142, 154.285714, 205.714285, 257.142857, 308.571428
8 2/4 45
9 3x3 40
10 2x5 36
11 primary 32.727, 65.454, 98.181, 130.909, 163.636, 196.363, 229.09, 261.818, 294.545, 327.272
12 3x4, 2x6 30
13 primary 27.6923, 55.3846, 83.0769, 110.7692, 138.4615, 166.1538, 189.8901, 217.0172, 244.1444, 271.2715, 298.3987, 325.5259
14 2x7 26
15 3x5 24
16 4x4, 2x8 22.5


Harmonic Power

The relative power of a harmonic can be estimated by using this formula:

Relative Power = 1/Harmonic Number

By adding the relative power for a group of harmonics in relation to a base planet, the harmonic power of a moment of time for that base planet can be determined.

Harmonic Power = Relative power + Relative power + Relative power …



Cross Harmonics

Cross harmonics are defined herein as the combination of one base planet with many primary harmonics involving other planets. A base planet may be simultaneously in a first harmonic relationship with one planet while in a third harmonic relationship with another and a thirteenth harmonic with yet another. In Harmonic Astrology all the combinations are considered as being one planetary combination for the interpretation.

I only look at one chart and the harmonics.  I look in the aspectarian provided by the /d switch in Astrolog to see which partile aspects have occurred inthe last 24 hours and the next 24 hours for an event whose time I am certain of.  With a celebrity  I assume that the time is wrong and rather than waste time on possibly fruitless work I use Local Mean Noon at the place of the recorded birth and all of thepartile aspect taking place within 36 hours before and after the Local Mean Noon.  This gives a set of aspects that occurred withinthe 72 hour period.  I eliminate the Moon right off in such a case due to the vast number of aspects it makes in 72 hours and myneeds for clarity and relevance.That is done when orbs are used wth them.  If orbs were not used and only exact midpoint configurations were used each planet wouldhave one or very rarely two exact midpoints associated with it;  but in most cases most planets and points would have none at all. So whether one admits it or not, orbs seriously effect the results and the wider they are the more an astrologer who uses them can justify their own agenda.  At such a point an astrologer becomes a psychic and starts to rely upon other levels and orders of reality.  This is the basis of the wrong day or wrong time phoenomena where a number gets lost somewhere and a correct reading comesout of the psychic astrologer--no longer a purely scientific astrologer.  The final outcome is most important and it's different strokes for different strokes. To read a chart based upon inaccurate information is much much worse.  In the case of celebrities you can't be certain.  Humphrey Bogart has at least three different dates listed and so does Spencer Tracy. Celebrites change their names and their birthdays.  No need to go gungho on something that may be completely wrong is my rule.  Test it out and then experiment.  Trial and error and trial again--Scientific method.  At some point in time in the future people's birthday's will be January 1st just like racehorses to keep from being able to perform birthcharts.


The Meanings and Interpretations:

The written interpretations of the various combinations of planets and chart factors come originally from the literature of astrology which originates in the Sumerian 'farmer almanacs' of which there are several examples dating from 1600 B.C. The process since then and continuing to the present day is to study, observe, and adjust the recorded information of the scholars of the past to more accurately reflect the life and times of the present. Much of the combinations of three planets come from the work of the Arabic and Hindu astrologers

The "Witte definitions" are not those of Witte alone.  There were many many many students involved in the experimentation and creation and discovery and development of the hypothetical "Uranian" planets.  To begin with, Alfred Witte never wrote a single line about Pluto, Apollon, Admetos, Vulcanus, or Poseidon.  Witte did not want any of the planets of Sieggruen to be used at all.  Witte managed a group of scholars among them Frederich Sieggruen, Hans Niggemann, Herman Lefeldt.  Here are a few of those in Germany who contributed insights and interpretations which now falsely bear the name of Witte:

The following are a small core group of people who contributed to the interpretations as they were written in German between 1920 and 1960 and compiled by Hans Heinrich Taeger of the Irish Astrological Society:

KNIEPF, Albert: 23. 2. 1853, 12h 00m LMT, Cottbus/D, 14° E 19' 51° N 45' (died: 28. 8. 1924, 9h 30m MET, Hamburg/D) - Early pioneerof German empirical and scientific orientated astrology. He understood the zodiacal and planetary influences as electrodynamic stimulations which are in correspondence with the human aura. He introduced the midpoints and was the teacher of Alfred Witte.

WANGEMANN, Edith: 29. 8. 1917, 21h 54m MET/S, Magdeburg/D, 11° E 38' 52° N 08' - Esoteric, yoga practitioner, professional researchastrologer, author, publisher. After the death of her husband she took over the presidency of the 'Kosmobiosophische Gesellschaft'.Editor of the magazine 'Sein und Werden'. Advocate of a scientific, psychological and esoteric orientated astrology. Specialinterests: research on twins, the hypothetical planet Transpluto (-whom she gave the name Isis), GOH (Koch) houses. In 1986 shereceived for her life work the Marc-Edmund-Jones prize in San Diego/USA.

EBERTIN, Reinhold: 16. 2. 1901, 4h 40m MET, Goerlitz/D, 14° E 59' 51° N 09' (died: 14. 3. 1988, Hirschlanden/D, early in the morning) - Pioneer of a scientific and experimental orientated astrology (Ebertin School, resp. Cosmobiology). Initiator of a modern German astrology. A full-blooded, idealistic orientated professional astrologer (since 1923). In his early years a student of A. Witte. He developed many interesting methods like midpoint-structures, psychograms, the 90°-circle. Publisher of astrology books. Additional interests: distance values, heliocentric astrology, mundane astrology, prognostic astrology, primary directions, Pluto research. Organizer of the annual Ebertin congress in the sixties and seventies. Editor of the magazines 'Mensch im All', 'Kosmobiologie', 'Kosmobiologische Jahrbücher' and founder of the Ebertin publishing house. Initiator of the 'Kosmobiologische Akademie Aalen/KAA'. Author of 'Pluto', 'Kombination der Gestirnseinflüsse (KdG)', 'Direktionen, Mitgestalter des Schicksals' (1967), 'Das Doppelgesicht des Kosmos' (1962), 'Mensch im All' (1970), 'Der Mensch und sein Gestirn' (1961)...

GLAHN, Frank A.: 18. 1. 1865, 20h 56m LMT, Linden/Hanover/D, 9° E 42' 52° N 22' (died: 6. 2. 1941, 6h 30m MET/S, Hollenstedt/D) - Occultist (tarot), reform astrologer, pioneer of modern German astrology ('Methode Glahn'/Glahn-Methods), author. Student of A. Witte. Specialities: midpoints, progressions of the ascendent ('Abrollungen'), division of the 12 houses in 36 sub-sections. Editor of the magazine 'Astrale Warte'. Books: 'Erklaerung und systematische Deutung des Geburtshoroskops' (1926), 'Das deutsche Tarotbuch'...

LEFELDT, Hermann: 29. 6. 1899, 17h 30m MET, Bornhoevel/D, 10° E 16' 54° N 04' (died: 1. 6. 1977, 21h 05m MET, Bornhoevel/D) -
Professional astrologer, author, student of A. Witte and collaborator of L. Rudolph. Prominent advocate of Uranian Astrology
('Hamburger Schule'). Co-author of Wittes 'Regelwerk für Planetenbilder' and editor of an index for this book.

BECKMANN, Wilhelm: 12. 6. 1892, 4h 00m LMT, Hamburg/D, 9° E 59' 53° N 33' (died: 21. 1. 1956, 9h 30m MET, Hamburg/D, caused by liver
cancer) - Attorney, research astrologer (prognostic astrology), coworker of A. Witte and engaged advocate of Uranian Astrology
('Hamburger Schule'). Special interests: solar arc directions, rectifications. Well known for his cooperation with box promotor W.
Rothenburg (-author of 'Die Sterne luegen nicht'). Together they calculated dates for important box championships e.g. for the
German boxer Max Schmeling.

NIGGEMANN, Hans: 22. 3. 1891, 6h 38m LMT, Paderborn/D, 8° E 45' 51° N 43' (died: 1. 9. 1985, Bronx/NY/USA) - German-american
astrologer. Important advocate of Uranian astrology ('Hamburger Schule') in the States. Student and coworker of A. Witte and an
enthusiastic opponent of Cosmobiology and R. Ebertin. In 1959 he translated without authorization the 'Regelwerk der Planeten' of A.
Witte into English. This coursed a dramatic copyright quarrel with L. Rudolph. Books: 'The Principles of Uranian Astrology', 'Key to
Uranian Astrology'. Niggemann won his suit because he was able to prove that the work which Rudolph was publishing was the effort of
many many people working together and that Rudolph was in fact misrepresenting and altering the work of Witte and the other students
including Nigemann making it conform to his own Capricornian prudery.  Witte's wife sued Rudolph to have the original wording return
because she felt that his meddling and editing was making it into something that it wasn't intended to be.  Niggemann was able to
exploit this to win his case against Rudolph.

PAUELS, Herbert: 10. 1. 1904, 14h 07m MET, Luebeck/D, 10° E 41' 53° N 52' (died: 11. 12. 1966, 20h 30m MET, Hamburg/D) -
Professional astrologer, author, follower of A. Witte. Advocate of Uranian Astrology ('Hamburger Schule'), collaborator of the
astrological magazine 'Hamburger Hefte'.

PERCH, Carl: 27. 3. 1897, 17h 38m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 22' 52° N 30' (died: 17. 4. 1994, 22h 15m MET/S, Hamburg/D) - Police
detective, astrologer (follower of A. Witte), author. Advocate of Uranian Astrology ('Hamburger Schule'). Special interests:
rectifications, sensitive points. Author of 'Geburtszeitkorrektur', 'Die sensitiven Punkte', 'Geburt und Tod'...

RUDOLPH, Ludwig: 9. 1. 1893, 1h 30m LMT, Uelzen/D, 10° E 34' 52° N 58' (died: 14. 7. 1982, 0h 30m MET/S, Hamburg/D) - Publisher,
astrologer, author. Committed advocate of the Uranian astrology ('Hamburger Schule'). Collaborator of A. Witte. In 1925 he founded
together with Witte and Sieggruen the astrological association 'Hamburger Schule'. He worked also as a co-author and co-editor of
Wittes fundamental book 'Regelwerk der Planeten'. Since 1961 he edited and published the uranian magazine 'Hamburger Hefte'. Father
of the astrologer Udo Rudolph.

RUDOLPH, Udo: 14. 12. 1921, 13h 21m MET, Osterode/Harz/D, 10° E 15' 51° N 44' - Bookseller, industrial manager, professional
astrologer (son of Ludwig Rudolph), publisher, author. Advocate of Uranian astrology (A. Witte). Since 1976 president of the
'Hamburger Schule' (-now: 'Astrologische Studiengesellschaft Hamburg'). In 1978 he took over the 'Witte-Verlag' and since 1980 he
worked as chief editor of the Uranian magazine 'Hamburger Hefte'. Books: 'The Hamburg School of Astrology' (1973), co-author of
'Handbuch zur Astrologie der Hamburger Schule'. A humanistic and positive thinker.

SCHLAGHECKE, Heinz: 23. 8. 1896, 9h 10m MET, Haspe/Hagen/D, 7° E 26' 51° N 21' (death data unknown) - Architect, writer, astrologer.
Prominent propagator of Uranian astrology (A.Witte) and collaborator of the astrological magazine 'Hamburger Hefte'.

SIEGGRUEN, Friedrich: 20. 12. 1877, 8h 41m LMT, Luebeck/D, 10° E 41' 53° N 52' (died: 4. 5. 1951, 2h 15m MET, Hamburg/D) - Nautical
scientist, professional astrologer, author. Committed student and collaborator of Alfred Witte. Engaged propagator of the Uranian
Astrology. Creator of the term 'Hamburger Schule'. He postulated the 4 additional hypothetical planets Apollon, Admetos, Vulcanus
and Poseidon. Co-editor of the book 'Die Hamburger Astrologenschule' (1925).

SPORNER, Hermann: 24. 10. 1915, 15h 45m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 34' 48° N 08' (died 1991) - Professional astrologer, author.
Enthusiastic propagator of Uranian Astrology (A. Witte). Interests: mundane and political astrology. Collaborator of the
astrological magazine 'Hamburger Hefte'. Articles: 'Mussolini, eine astrologische Untersuchung', 'Einfuehrung in die Technik der
Hamburger Schule' (1979), 'Kuenstlerhoroskope im Spiegel der Transneptunier', 'Das Nuremberger Hochgericht'...

WITTE, Alfred: 2. 3. 1878, 21h 12m LMT, Hamburg/D, 10° E 00' 53° N 33' (died: 4. 8. 1941, 4h 01m MET/S, Hamburg/D, suicide) - Land
surveyor, occultist, psychic, professional astrologer, author. Colaborator of the magazine 'Astrologische Rundschau' (1919-23).
Advocate of an esoteric and experimental astrology. Initiator of Uranian astrology. Together with his friend and collaborator F.
Sieggruen he discovered by intuition the four hypothetical planets Cupido, Hades, Zeus and Kronos. He also developed the midpoint
method and the graphical planetary structures, which R. Ebertin (-an early student of Witte) integrated into Cosmobiology. Author of
'Regelwerk der Planeten' (1925), the basic reference book of the Uranian School ('Hamburger Schule').

(Copyright: Hans-Hinrich Taeger / IAS (1998/99)
- This data collection is a free gift for all participants of the Irish Astrological Society Research Projects. Republishing is
welcome. Please contact us. -)

In the United States Charles Jayne and Charles Emerson, and Gary Christen have vigorously advocated for the hypotheticals.  As of this time I know of Ruth Brummond, Blake Finley, Gary Christen, Hans Niggemann, Karl Krafft and many other students who all collected and translated and published various collections of the "Planetary Pictures".  Some have made dictionaries of the planetary formulas, others have indexed the work of 100 years.  The work work of the Harmonic Astrology Project is an open-ended ongoing journey of discovery.   This is a cooperative effort which has been going on for over a century.  I have integrated, distilled, re-organized and combined many thousands of interpretive material into what I present as the essences of the planets in combination.