1 ANDERSEN, Hans J.: 12. 6. 1922, 21h 15m MET, Hamburg/D, 10° E 00'
53° N 33' - Professional psychologist, historian, Christian esoteric,
publisher and astrologer. Special interests: mundane astrology,
astrogeography. Author of 'Astrogeographie-Atlas'. | ||||||||
Gottfried: 5. 8. 1953, 21h 55m MET, Haagen/Baden/D, 7° E 40' 47° N 38' -
Professional astrologer, astro-journalist (magazines, tv, radio), author.
Advocate of traditional astrology. Special interests: mundane, financial
and partnership astrology. Opening of his counceling office: 1. 10. 1976.
Editor and instructor of a 2 1/2 year study course called 'Reformierte
Astrologie'. Author of 'Die Sterne luegen nicht - oder doch?'
(date of publication: 29. 6. 1980), founder of 'Logodata'
counceling service (September 1986) and collaborator of the magazine
'Venus' (-since January 1995). (TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
3 ARNOLD, Karl
Ludwig: 14. 2. 1922, 10h 45m MET, Halberstadt/Harz/D, 11° E 02’ 51° N 54’
- Engineer, town planner, aircraft pilot, management consultant,
geodesist, economist, chairman of ‘Chance Zukunft e.V.’
(alternative agricultural projects) and of ‘Institut fuer Lebens- und
Unternehmungsberatung’, researcher of physiognomy. Professional
astrologer (member of ‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’),
cosmobiologist (Ebertin School). Advocate of a psychological orientated
astrology. Specialized in individual and partnership astrology as well as
astro-medicine. (TAE via personal statement (d) via BC) | ||||||||
Max-Michael: 24. 10. 1954, 19h 10m MET, Hagen/D, 7° E 28' 51° N 22' - Part
time professional astrologer (since 1978), computer designer (home-pages),
Buddhist (Tibetan tradition, a.o. student of Tenga Tulku, Zong Rimpotsche,
Choegyam Trungpa), author. For many years student and coworker of Hans-H.
Taeger. Certified Astroenergetic Adviser. Special interests: synthesis of
western and eastern philosophy, astro-medicine. Kyudo-Instructor (Japanese
archery). Author of 'Astrosomatik' and co-author (together with Frauke RINDERMANN: 25. 3. 1959, 3h 50m
MET, Dortmund/D) of 'Astro-Bits' (-introduction into
Astroenergetics). Techniques: house progressions, tension rulers (via
Meier-Parm), Vesta, Chiron, Mandala-Energy-Analysis (MEA), holograms,
rhythmograms... (Both data: TAE via BC (d)) Email: ..baltin@nrw-go.de Website:: . www.spektrumNRW.de/astro/start.htm | ||||||||
Hans: 7. 6. 1906, 17h 00m MET, Reichenberg/D, 15° E 04' 50° N 46' - (death
data unknown) - Professional astrologer, publisher of astrology books
(Baumgartner Verlag), editor of the periodical 'Astrologischer
Auskunftsbogen', author. Advocate of traditional astrology.Special
interests: primary directions, rectifications, fixed stars. Booklets:
'Direktionssysteme', '1. Hilfe bei der Horoskopdeutung',
'Fixsterne u. ihre Bedeutung', 'Geburtszeitkorrektur',
'Tod im Horoskop', 'Planetendeutung'. (TAE via S. Belcsak) | ||||||||
6 BAYER, Karl:
2. 8. 1896, 14h 09m MET, Berlin/D, 13 °E 22' 52° N 30' - (death data
unknown) -Professional astrologer, author. Advocate of a scientific
astrology and cofounder of modern German astrology. Author of the books
'Grundprobleme der Astrologie', 'Astrologie ist
Wissenschaft'. (TAE via DAV-Databank) | ||||||||
Wilhelm: 2. 7. 1869, 7h 55m GMT, Frankfurt/D, 8° E 41' 50° N 07' - (death
data unknown) -Professional astrologer. Follower of A. Leo and advocate of
Placidus houses. Editor of the magazine 'Die Astrologie' and
president of the 'Berliner Astrologische Gesellschaft'. (TAE via DAV-Databank) | ||||||||
Erich von: 15. 12. 1891, 23h 00m LMT, Duesseldorf, 6° E 47' 51° N
14' (died: 16. 5. 1981, 13h 00m MET/S, Salzburg/A) -
Historian, art historian, heraldic researcher, astrologer, author. Special
interests: mundane astrology (city and country foundations), art and
astrology, history of astrology. Related to cosmobiology (R. Ebertin).
Publications: 'Beitraege zur Geschichte der Astrologie',
'Geheimsprache der gy, history of astrology. Related to
cosmobiology (R. Ebertin). Publications: 'Beitraege zur Geschichte der
Astrologie', 'Geheimsprache der Bilder'... (TAE via DAV-Databank) | ||||||||
Wilhelm: 12. 6. 1892, 4h 00m LMT, Hamburg/D, 9° E 59’ 53° N 33’ (died: 21.
1. 1956, 9h 30m MET, Hamburg/D, caused by liver cancer) - Attorney,
research astrologer (prognostic astrology), coworker of A. Witte and
engaged advocate of Uranian Astrology (‘Hamburger Schule’). Special
interests: solar arc directions, rectifications. Well known for his
cooperation with box promotor W. Rothenburg (-author of ‘Die Sterne
luegen nicht’). Together they calculated dates for important box
championships e.g. for the German boxer Max Schmeling. (TAE via K. Weber via personal statement) | ||||||||
10 BENZ, Stefan:
24. 1. 1964, 9h 20m MET, Wuerzburg/D, 9° E 56’ 49° N 48’ - Dietician,
ecotrophologist, physician, astrologer. Active member of ‘Deutscher
Astrologenverband/DAV’. Astrological study groups in Fulda and
Cologne. Specialized in partnership-astrology and medical astrology.
Originally he wanted to become a musician or a juggler. (TAE via BC (d) and personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
Alexander: 27. 12. 1876, 10h 46m LMT, Wuerzburg/D, 9° E 56' 49° N 48'
(died 1938) - Scholar, astrologer, editor of the astrological magazine
'Zodiakus' (1909-13). Advocate of a scientific astrology. He
developed a theory that all physical and psychological energies have
cosmic origin and that life is a summing up of cosmic energies (-could
there be another explanation?). (TAE via DAV-Databank) | ||||||||
12 BLAAS, Willy:
9. 4. 1953, 7h 13m MET, Oberhausen/D, 6° E 52’ 51° N 28’ - Psychologist,
family- and reincarnation therapist, professional astrologer. Did
scientific research on the Gauquelin findings (1983). Special interests:
rhythm-analysis, psychology of organization. Advocate of a psychological
orientated astrology with integration of the family history.
(TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
13 BOER, Walter:
23. 11. 1914, 23h 30m MET, Strehlen/D, 17° E 04' 50° N 47' - Astrologer,
data collector, co-worker of the parapsychologist Hans Bender, author.
Special interests: scientific astrology, mundane astrology,
astro-biographical research. (TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
14 BONIN, Tony:
27. 7. 1937, 20h 58m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 35' 48° N 08' - professional
astrologer, data collector, author, publisher of astrology books. Special
interests: astro-medicine, mundane astrology, planet nodes, Neptune
research. Together with his wife Isolde BONIN (13. 6. 1938, 4h 15m MET,
Berlin/D) he runs the astrology school 'Astrologie-Schule Bonin (ASBO)'.
They are authors of 'Neptun-Dominanz' (1992) and of a planet node
ephemeris 'Planetenknoten-Dauerephemeride' (1996). (Both data: TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
15 BRAND, Rafael
Gil: 5. 6. 1959, 15h 42m MET, Madrid/E, 3° W 41’ 40° N 24’ - German
astrologer of Spanish origin. Psychologist, psychotherapist, actor,
Gestalt-therapist, practicing Zen-Buddhist, author. Astrological studies
with J. San Miguel des Pablos and Bruno & Luise Huber. Also influenced
by Thomas Ring, H. von Kloeckler, D. Rudhyar. Certified member of
‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’. Advocate of a humanistic and
psychological orientated astrology. In 1991 he started a centre for
astrological studies and psychotherapy in Hamburg. (TAE via personal statement) | ||||||||
Fritz: 10. 1. 1911, 10h 35m MET, Duesseldorf/D, 6° E 47' 51° N 14' -
Professional astrologer (Cosmobiology), author. Advocate of scientific and
experimental astrology. Main interests: astro medicine. In collaboration
with R. Ebertin he developed the 'organ clock' ('Organuhr'), a
method which postulates that every degree of the zodiac has an analogy to
the body and its organs. From planetary occupations of special aerias of
the chart he deduced special body weaknesses and possible diseases. A
popular reasearch method of the early seventies and still under research
by cosmobiologists. (TAE via R. Ebertin) | ||||||||
17 BRANDLER-PRACHT, Karl: 11. 2. 1864, 5h 22m LMT, Vienna/A, 16° E 23' 48° N
13' (died: 10. 9. 1939, late afternoon, Berlin/D) - Actor, occultist,
psychic, astrologer, author. Founder of modern Austrian astrology.
Advocate of a more scientific orientated astrology in combination with
yoga, eastern philosophy and esoteric astrology. Author of
'Mathematisch-instruktives Lehrbuch der Astrologie' (1905),
'Astrologische Technik und Prognose', 'Lehrbuch zur Entwicklung
okkulter Kräfte'... (TAE via Belcsak via personal statement) | ||||||||
Fritz: 3. 7. 1894, 10h 46m MET, Nuremberg/D, 11° E 05' 49° N 27' (died: 9.
3. 1965, Nuremberg/D) - Astrologer (-since 1926), author. He was one of
the first who did intensive Pluto research but gave Pluto a very bad and
negative image with his book 'Pluto, der Planet unserer Zeit', which was
also published in the United States. (TAE via DAV-Databank) | ||||||||
Wolfgang: 13. 4. 1947, 20h 21m MET/S, Oberstdorf/D, 10° E 16’ 47° N 24’ -
Pianist, psychologer, professional astrologer. In 1985 he founded the
‘Schule fuer Astro-Psychologische Lebenshilfe / SAPL-Buehler’. He
established a synthesis of astrology, depth psychology and transpersonal
psychology. (TAE via W. Thomassen via personal statement) | ||||||||
Centgraf): 8. 3. 1893, 12h 28m LMT, Thale/Harz/D, 11° E 02' 51° N 45'
(death data unknown) - Occultist, astrologer, author. His main interests
where the prophecies of Nostradamus. Books: 'Die grossen Weissagungen
des Nostradamus', 'Nostradamus - prophetische
Weltgeschichte'. (TAE via S. Belcsak) | ||||||||
Johannes (Johannes Naegele): 22. 3. 1499, 13h 45m LMT, Bietigheim/D, 9° E
08' 48° N 57' (died: 2. 2. 1537, Magdeburg/D) - mathematician, physicist,
physician, humanist (influenced by Ph. Melanchthon, M. Luther),
astrologer, author, notoric wine drinker. Court astrologer of elector
Joachim 1. of Brandenburg. Advocate of mundane and prognostic astrology
(catastrophies, death etc.). Books: 'Weltchronik', 'Bedeutung
und Offenbarung himmlischer Influentz' (1538). (TAE via H. Specht via old source) | ||||||||
Thorwald: 11. 12. 1946, 9h 51m MET, Herrsching/D, 11° E 11' 48° N 00' -
Popular esoteric, occultist, psychologist, reincarnation-therapist,
astrologer, author. A sharp, clear thinker and master of rhetoric. He
emphasizes the strong connection between past-life experiences and the
actual horoscope. Like many others he can’t see any sence in astrology and
individual charts without having previous experiences of existance. He
postulated 4 main rules: Know thyself! (microcosm), discover the laws of
the universe (macrocosm), understand those laws as positive and
subordinate yourself under those positive laws. In 1993 he founded a
centre for ritual therapy in Munich ('Kawwana, Konvent fuer rituelle
Therapie'). Books: ‘Schicksal als Chance', 'Erlebnis der
Wiedergeburt', 'Krankheit als Weg'... (TAE via R. Vetter via personal statement/-DAV-Databank has 9h 45m MET via Niehenke via personal statement) | ||||||||
Wolfgang: 28. 2. 1928, 13h 07m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 34' 48° N 08' -
Renowned homoeopath, professional astrologer, author, publisher of
astrological books. Director of the Doebereiner-School, -also called
‘Munich School’ (‘Muenchener Schule’). He developed the ‘Münchner
Rhythmenlehre’ (Munich-Rhythm Theory: house progressions of 7 yrs. per
house, starting from the ascendent clockwise from 12th house to 1st
house). Special interests: astro-medicine, research, experimental
astrology, weather prognosis, psychological astrology, astro-rhythms,
animal horoscopes. Books: 'Astrologisch-Homoeopathische
Erfahrungsbilder' (2 vol.), 'Astrologisches Lehr- und
Uebungsbuch' (6 vol.)... (TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
Baldur: 21. 7. 1933, 19h 12m MET, Erfurt/D, 11° E 01' 50° N 59' -
Psychologist, philosopher, esoteric, alternative healer,
reincarnation-therapist, psychoanalysist, astrologer, author. Son of the
astrologer Reinhold Ebertin and grandson of the astrologer Elsbeth
Ebertin. Advocate of Cosmobiology (Ebertin School) as well as traditional
astrology. Special interests: astro-medicine. Co-editor of the Ebertin
yearbooks 'Kosmobiologische Jahrbücher' (1969-78). He emphasizes the
important connection between past life experiences and the actual
horoscope. Author of ‘ABC der Kosmobiologie’ (1979),
'Reinkarnation und neues Bewußtsein' (1987-95/3 ed.), ‘Wenn die Seele
den Koerper gesunden laesst’ (1995), ‘Im Dialog mit der Seele’
(1995), 'Vom kosmischen Symbol zur ganzheitlichen
Deutung’(1998). (TAE via personal statement (d)) Email:..ebertin@calw.netsurf.de | ||||||||
Elsbeth: 14. 5. 1880, 18h 30m LMT, Goerlitz/D, 14° E 59' 51° N 09' (died:
28. 11. 1944, Freiburg/Baden/D, -at a bomb attack) Professional
astrologer, graphologist, author, editor of the astrological magazine
'Blick in die Zukunft' (1917-38), data collector. Special
interests: prognosis, mundane astrology, fixed stars, psychological
astrology, partnership astrology. Mother of the astrologer Reinhold
Ebertin, grandmother of Baldur Ebertin. Books: 'Bedeutung der
Fixsterne', 'Royal Nativities', 'Astrologie und
Liebesleben'... (TAE via R. Ebertin and B. Ebertin/-other sources have a rectified time of 18h 22m LMT) | ||||||||
Reinhold: 16. 2. 1901, 4h 40m MET, Goerlitz/D, 14° E 59' 51° N 09' (died:
14. 3. 1988, Hirschlanden/D, early in the morning) - Pioneer of a
scientific and experimental orientated astrology (Ebertin School, resp.
Cosmobiology). Initiator of a modern German astrology. A full-blooded,
idealistic orientated professional astrologer (since 1923). In his early
years a student of A. Witte. He developed many interesting methods like
midpoint-structures, psychograms, the 90°-circle. Publisher of astrology
books. Additional interests: distance values, heliocentric astrology,
mundane astrology, prognostic astrology, primary directions, Pluto
research. Organizer of the annual Ebertin congress in the sixties and
seventies. Editor of the magazines 'Mensch im All',
'Kosmobiologie', 'Kosmobiologische Jahrbücher' and founder
of the Ebertin publishing house. Initiator of the 'Kosmobiologische
Akademie Aalen/KAA'. Author of 'Pluto', 'Kombination der
Gestirnseinflüsse (KdG)', 'Direktionen, Mitgestalter des
Schicksals' (1967), 'Das Doppelgesicht des Kosmos' (1962),
'Mensch im All' (1970), 'Der Mensch und sein Gestirn'
(1961)... (TAE via personal statement) | ||||||||
Walter: 1. 12. 1907, 12h 23m MET, Frankfurt/M./D, 8° E 41' 50° N 07'
(died: 3. 8. 1984, 19h 40m MET/S, Frankfurt/D) - Publishing manager,
economist, astrologer, author. An enthusiastic advocate of a traditional
more exoteric orientated astrology. Interests: primary and secondary
directions, mundane astrology, astrology and economics, research. Former
president of the 'Deutscher Astrologenverband (DAV)' for 17
years. (TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
Tobias: 27. 9. 1970, 11h 04m MET, Kandel/D, 08° E 12’ 49° N 05’ - Computer
scientist, neo-astrologer. Specialised in programming astrological
research- and databank software (DAV-Databank, Taeger-Archives on CD-ROM).
Coworker of A. Treindl, Peter Niehenke, Hans-H. Taeger and others.
Developer of the IHLAAF data-exchange format. Partner of Varinia
Gellrich. (TAE via personal statement) Website: .http://rpkalf2.mach.uni-karlsruhe.de/~ferber . .Email: .ferber@icada.de | ||||||||
Waltraut: 6. 2. 1940, 8h 40m MET, Mechernich/D, 6° E 38’ 50° N 35’ -
Educationalist, professional astrologer, certified member of Deutscher
Astrologenverband/DAV and OEAG (Austrian Society of
Astrologers). After the first meeting with an astrologer (15. 5. 1984)
she started her astrological studies. Advocate of traditional astrology.
Research interests: prenatal astrology, rectifications. Married with Klaus
Frankenbach (* 23. 1. 1938, 0h 40m MET, Ludwigshafen/D, 9° E 04’ 47° N
50’). Divorce: 30. 9. 1986. (Both data: TAE via personal statement (d) and BC (d)/-own rectification: 8h 25m MET) | ||||||||
Martin: 11. 10. 1958, 1h 10m MET, Brilon-Wald/D, 8° E 35' 51° N 25' -
Developer of astrological software ('Sternwerkstatt') and the data
exchange format AAF (Astrologisches Austauschformat) for import and export
of astrological data. Graphic designer, part time astrologer, author,
collaborator of the astrological magazine 'Meridian', reincarnation
therapist. (TAE via personal statement) Website: . http://www.sternwerkstatt.de/ . Email: . m.garms@sternwerkstatt.de | ||||||||
Varinia: 23. 10. 1966, 17h 40m MET, Dortmund/D, 7° E 28’ 51° N 31’ -
Graphic designer (-also web-design), part time astrologer. In 1993 she
initiated the astrological usernet-group ‘de.alt.astrologie’, the first of
this kind in Germany. Special interests: astro-medicine, astrocartography.
Together with Tobias Ferber she developed the astrological research system
‘Ecliptix’. (TAE via personal statement via BC) Website: . www.ping.de/sites/antares . .Email: .varinia@antares.ping.de | ||||||||
32 GENUIT, Hans:
27. 11. 1904, 5h 30m MET, Cologne/D, 6° E 58' 50° N 57' (died: 6. 2. 1985,
19h 13m MET, Kassel/D, cardiac insuffiency) - Alternative practitioner,
professional astrologer, author. Special ~interests: astro-medicine,
biorhythm research. Founder of the Cosmobiosophic Society
('Kosmobiosophische Gesellschaft') and an association of
professional astrologers ('Astrologischer Berufsverband'). Editor
of the magazine 'Astrologische Monatshefte' (1946-63). Advocate of
a humanistic, psychological and scientific orientated astrology. Books:
'Praxis der Biorhythmik' (1977), 'Biokurven'. For the Springer
publishing house he calculated the date for the first edition of the
popular German tabloid 'Bild-Zeitung'. (TAE via pers. statement) | ||||||||
33 GLAHN, Frank
A.: 18. 1. 1865, 20h 56m LMT, Linden/Hanover/D, 9° E 42' 52° N 22' (died:
6. 2. 1941, 6h 30m MET/S, Hollenstedt/D) - Occultist (tarot), reform
astrologer, pioneer of modern German astrology (‘Methode
Glahn’/Glahn-Methods), author. Student of A. Witte. Specialities:
midpoints, progressions of the ascendent ('Abrollungen'), division
of the 12 houses in 36 sub-sections. Editor of the magazine 'Astrale
Warte'. Books: 'Erklaerung und systematische Deutung des
Geburtshoroskops' (1926), 'Das deutsche
Tarotbuch'... (TAE via Preuss via personal rectification of Glahn/-other sources give 21h 00m LMT via BC) | ||||||||
G.: 25. 7. 1898, 4h 30m MET, Bodenbach/D/Podmokly/CS, 14° E 13’ 50° N 46’
(died: 6. 6. 1979) - Engineer, psychologer, psychotherapist, professional
research astrologer, author. During the Nazi-regime he was forced since
1941 to do astrological research and prognosis of foreign military
strategies (-together with K. E. Krafft). In 1948 he founded together with
his wife and G. Lucht the research team G2L. He worked on dynamograms
(Dynamogramme), statograms (Statogramme) as well as psycho- and
geograms. (TAE via H. G. Mueller-Freyward via pers. statement/-rectified time: 4h 31m MET via K. Weber via Goerner) | ||||||||
35 GRIMM, Alfred
Max: 4. 2. 1892, 20h 30m LMT, Dresden/D, 13° E 44' 51° N 03' (died: 8. 8.
1962, 15h 00m MET, Unter-Ammergau/D) - Occultist, professional astrologer,
author. Pioneer of a modern and scientific orientated German astrology.
Organizer of the first 2 European astrology conferences (Munich, 1922 and
Leipzig, 1923). Opponent of the Uranian Astrology of A. Witte and a too
quickly expanding experimental astrology. Special interests: astrology and
sex determination. Books: 'Astronomische Wetterkunde' (1919),
'Lehrbuch der Astrologie und Horoskopie' (4 vol., 1932), 'Knabe
oder Mädchen. Das Problem der Geschlechtsbestimmung' (1926).
(TAE via Belcsak via personal statement/-other sources give 20h 00m by error) | ||||||||
Horst: 27. 12. 1927, 4h 00m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 24' 52° N 31' -
Entrepreneur, businessman, parapsychologist, research astrologer
(statistics). Influenced by Theodor Landscheidt. Advocate of traditional
astrology as well as Cosmobiology (R. Ebertin). (TAE via personal statement (d) and BC (d)) | ||||||||
Uller: 21. 10. 1954, 8h 32m MET, Stuttgart/D, 9° E 10' 48° N 46' -
Educationalist, editor of alternative city magazine (Berlin), professional
astrologer, Buddhist (Tibetan Buddhism). Former astrology student of
Hans-H. Taeger. Certified Astroenergetic Adviser. Advocate of
Astroenergetics (synthesis of western astrology, science and Buddhism).
Special interests: house progressions, Pluto-transits, tension rulers
(Meier-Parm), Vesta, Chiron, Mandala-Energy-Analysis (MEA), experimental
astrology. Organizer of alternative congresses and astrological workshops.
Since many years he is a student of Akong Rimpotsche (Scotland) and Sogyal
Rimpotsche to become a Buddhist therapist. (TAE via BC (d)) Email:. ugsch@aol.com | ||||||||
Guenter: 1. 9. 1927, 10h 30m MET, Goettingen/D, 9° E 55’ 51° N 32’ -
Wholesaler, part time astrologer. Certified astrologer (1978) and member
of ‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’ . Special interests: primary
directions according to Kuendig, rectifications, prognosis. Advocate of a
traditional astrology. Lectures on ‘astrology and freedom of will’
and ‘live prolonging aspects’. (TAE via BC (d)) | ||||||||
Hans: 10. 4. 1902, 20h 45m MET, Sigmaringen/D, 9° E 13' 48° N 05' (died:
13. 8. 1984) - Professional astrologer, author. Advocate of a scientific
astrology. Special interest in mundane astrology. Worked in the field of
Cosmobiology (R. Ebertin). (TAE via DAV-Databank via personal statement) | ||||||||
Robert von: 1. 8. 1964, 0h 24m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 34' 48° N 08' -
Musical educator (classical guitar), esoteric, occultist (tarot),
professional astrologer (since 1991). Advocate of experimental and
research astrology (cyclic astrology in correlation to music and sound).
In cooperation with D. Koch he established in 1994 a workshop for research
into the effects of the newly discovered comets or planetoids of the
Kuyper belt with their orbits between Saturn and Pluto ('Arbeitskreis
Neue Planeten/ANP'). One prominent member of this belt (with estimated
10,000 to 30,000 celestial bodies) is the comet Chiron. Heeren and his
coresearcher concentrated their research on QB1, 1993FW and Pholus. In
1995 they published a book on 'Pholus' whom they gave psychological
qualities of the responding centaur of Greek mythology. A challenge
for the astrological community to verify or disprove this interesting
field of research. (TAE via BC (d)) Website: .http://www.robertvonheeren.de/index.html & . http://www.centaurresearchproject.de/crp.htm..Email: . .Centaurs@online.de. | ||||||||
41 HEINEN-GREUBEL, Ingrid: 10. 6. 1937, 8h 15m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 22’ 52° N
30’ - Alternative healing practitioner, acupuncturist, aroma-therapist,
esoteric, part time astrologer. Member of ‘Deutscher
Astrologenverband/DAV’. Wrote a book on aroma-therapy (‘Wesen und
Anwendung duftender Essenzen’, 1988). Married with Wolfgang Heinen (*
20. 6. 1946, 0h 15m MET/S, Schweinfurt/D). (Both data: TAE via personal Statement (d) via BC) | ||||||||
Eckhart: 8. 3. 1957, 23h 45m MET, Celle/D, 10° E 05’ 52° N 38’ - Teacher
of religious education, reincarnation- and breathing therapist,
professional astrologer. Influenced by St. Arroyo, Liz Greene, Th.
Dethlefsen and Phoebe Wyss. He creates a synthesis of tradition, intuition
and spirituality. Special interests: partnership-astrology, cyclic
astrology, astrodrama (experimental self experiences), dream-travelling,
bringing together the inner yin and yang energies (meditation).
(TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
43 HERM, Manfred
Michael: 4. 2. 1935, 1h 00m MET, Frankfurt/M./D, 8° E 41' 50° N 07' -
Professional astrologer, author. Active and certified member of the
'Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV'. (TAE via personal statement) | ||||||||
44 HOF, Walter:
17. 6. 1917, 4h 00m MET/S, Cologne/D, 6° E 58' 50° N 57' - Astrologer
(scientific orientated astrology), author. Books: 'Das Horoskop -
Wahrsagekunst und Astrologie', co-author of 'Rationale Astrologie,
exakte Deutung der Konstellationen'. (TAE via DAV-Databank) | ||||||||
Juergen: 26. 8. 1957, 9h 56m MET, Berlin-Wedding/D, 13° E 30' 52° N 30' -
Natural healing practitioner, body therapist (massage), Christian
esoteric, occultist, astrologer (student of H. Meier). Influenced by W.
Trautmann and Swiss astrologer C. F. Frey. Data collector, author.
Advocate of a psychological and esoteric orientated astrology. Main
interests: prognosis, synastry, composite (R. Hand), relations between
Christianity and astrology, history of astrology. Writer of astrological
text (-interpretation) software. User of Topocentric house system. Various
tv and radioshows. (TAE via personal statement (d)) Website: . http://www.come.to/ars.astrologica Email: .jgh.hoppmann@t-online.de | ||||||||
46 HOVER, Detlef
(Didi): 22. 10. 1955, 14h 30m MET, Cologne/D, 6° E 58' 50° N 57' -
Psychologist, esoteric, professional astrologer, student of Huber-School.
Advocate of a synthesis of meditation, eastern religion (Yoga,
Zen-Buddhism, Shamanism), psychology, psychotherapy and astrology. Active
member and instructor of the 'Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV'. DAV
chairman since 1997. Director of the 'Institut fuer Astrologie und
Esoterische Psychologie' (Stuttgart). (TAE via personal statement (d) via BC and mother) Email: .Detlef.Hover@t-online.de | ||||||||
47 ISSBERNER-HALDANE, Ernst: 3. 7. 1923, 0h 53m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 22' 52° N
30' - Professional palmist (scientific palmistry), astrologer, author.
Advocate of esoteric astrology. Books:, 'Karma-Astrologie esoterische
Studie über die Planeten Saturn und Neptun', 'Medizinische Hand-
und Nageldiagnostik', 'Wissenschaftliche Handlesekunst’
... (TAE via DAV-Databank via personal statement) | ||||||||
Ulla: 5. 6. 1961, 10h 25m MET, Karlsruhe/D, 8° E 24' 49° N 00' -
Astrologer, author, Buddhist (Tibetan Buddhism, a.o. student of Sogyal
Rimpotsche). Former student and collaborator of Hans-H. Taeger for many
years (e.g. working at the Taeger-Archives). Certified Astroenergetic
Adviser. Advocate of Astroenergetics (astrology, science and Buddhism).
Special interests: feminine astrology, mythology, dream-analysis, tension
rulers, Vesta, Chiron. Works on a book about dreamlife and the influence
of the moon. Lives partly in Ireland or in Germany. (TAE via BC (d)) | ||||||||
Markus: 24. 7. 1958, 8h 37m MET, Loerrach/D, 7° E 40' 47° N 37' -
Psychologist, professional astrologer, editor of the astrological magazine
'Meridian', .Website:..http://www.meridian-magazin.de/index.htm.chief editor of the 'Ebertin
Verlag', instructor and certified of the 'Deutscher
Astrologenverband/DAV', director of the 'Astrologie-Zentrum-Berlin',
author. Advocate of a creative and psychological orientated astrology.
Books: 'Wenn der Mond im siebten Hause steht' (1996) and
'Jupiter and Mars' (1997). Participant of several German tv- and
radio-shows about astrology. (TAE via personal statement (d) via his own rectification/-8h 45m MET via BC/-mother says 8h 40m MET) Email: . Markus.Jehle@t-online.de | ||||||||
50 KERN, Ernst Heinz: 30. 12. 1919, 23h 30m MET,
Rochlitz/Saxonia/D, 12° E 47’ 51° N 03’ - Industrial manager, management
consultant, certified astrologer of ‘Deutscher
Astrologenverband/DAV’ , graphologist, lyricist (4 collections of
poems). Astrological studies since 1972. Since 1981 astrological research
at the Astrological Research Centre (ASTRECENT) on connections between
horoscopes and harmonics. His findings are called ‘Kern-Analyse’.
(TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
Herbert Freiherr von: 26. 4. 1896, 9h 43m MET, Mittelstradam/Dresden/D,
13° E 44' 51° N 03' (died 1950) - Physician, professional astrologer,
author. Pioneer of German scientific-empirical astrology and advocate of
the Placidus house-system. Critic of the methods of directions. Well known
for his accurate and solid research. Books: 'Kursus der Astrologie'
(3 vol.), 'Astrologie als Erfahrungswissenschaft' (1926),
'Berufsbegabung und Schicksal' (1928), 'Grundlagen fuer die
astrologische Deutung' (1926). (TAE via DAV-Databank via H. Specht) | ||||||||
Albert: 23. 2. 1853, 12h 00m LMT, Cottbus/D, 14° E 19' 51° N 45' (died:
28. 8. 1924, 9h 30m MET, Hamburg/D) - Early pioneer of German empirical
and scientific orientated astrology. He understood the zodiacal and
planetary influences as electrodynamic stimulations which are in
correspondence with the human aura. He introduced the midpoints and was
the teacher of Alfred Witte. (TAE via Kampherbeek via Venerius) | ||||||||
53 KOCH, Walter:
18. 9. 1895, 6h 25m MET, Esslingen/D, 9° E 19' 48° N 44' (died: 25. 2.
1970, 15h 20m MET, Goeppingen/D) - Classical philologist, historian,
teacher, esoteric, astrologer (-since 1924). Advocate of traditional
astrology. Like many German astrologers of those days he was imprisoned in
a concentration camp (1941-45, Dachau). In cooperation with H. Specht and
others he developed in the early sixties a new birthplace related
house-system (‘Koch Felder’/Koch-Houses/GOH). This sytem is still
very popular with the Ebertin-, Wangemann and Huber-School. He did also
research on the psychological and esoteric effects of colours and gems.
Booklets: 'Psychologische Farbenlehre' (1931), 'Seele der
Edelsteine' (1934), 'GOH Haeusertafeln' (1965).
(TAE via personal statement in one of his articles) | ||||||||
Hubert: 13. 6. 1883, 20h 00m LMT, Neuss/D, 6° E 41' 51° N 12' (died 1943
in concentration camp) - Jurist, professional astrologer, editor of the
astrological magazine 'Zenit' (1930-38), author. Committed leader
of a modern and scientific orientated astrology. President of
'Zentralstelle Duesseldorf', an umbrella organization of all German
astrological associations and astrologers of that time. Organizer of
several international astrological congresses. He published many articles
about the history of astrology. (TAE via Lescaut, vol. 14/-all other sources give a rectified time of 19h 56m LMT) | ||||||||
55 KUEHR, Erich
Carl: 13. 5. 1899, 14h 15m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 22' 52° N 30' (died: 18.
2. 1951, 7h 30m MET, Gmain/D) - Professional astrologer, author. Advocate
of a traditional, scientific and psychological (Klages, Freud, Jung)
orientated astrology. He put much emphasis on exact mathematical
calculations concerning rectifications, aspect analysis and the golden
section. He used primary directions, Placidus houses and had also interest
in mundane astrology. He developed the 'Geburtszeitmethode des Goldenen
Schnitts', a rectification method using the golden section. Books:
'Psychologische Horoskopdeutung' (2 vol., 1948), 'Berechnung der
Ereigniszeiten' (1936), 'Aspektanalyse' (1929).
(TAE via E. Koerner/-other sources: 14h 18m) | ||||||||
Hans: 7. 5. 1896, 9h 30m MET, Stolzenberg/Warthe/D, 15° E 20' 52° N 57'
(death data unknown) - Professional astrologer, author. Advocate of a
humanistic, philosophical orientated astrology. Based on the retrograde
movement of the siderial orientated spring-point he developed a theory of
world cycles like age of aquarius etc., which is o.k. for sidereal
astrology, but in complete contradiction to the tropical zodiac signs
which are static and have no connections with fixed stars constellations.
Unfortunately this mix-up of 2 completely different systems is still very
popular (-personal comment of Taeger). Books: 'Das grosse Jahr' (1922),
'Schicksal und Willensfreiheit'... (TAE via Luc de Marré via BC) | ||||||||
57 KUENSTLE-SCHMIECHEN, Dorothea: 19. 1. 1943, 20h 15m MET, Herbolzheim/D, 7° E
47’ 48° N 13’ - Germanist, art historian , musicologist, journalist,
esoteric (Iching, graphology, tarot), astrologer. Student of R. Ebertin
and certified astrologer of ‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’.
Special interests: research on Moon-cycles, the planetoids Ceres, Pallas,
Juno, Vesta as well as on Lilith (Black Moon). Exact astro-gemini of the
American astrologer Nancy Hastings. (TAE via personal statement (d) via BC/-also rectified to 19h 45m) | ||||||||
Theodor: 10. 3. 1927, 18h 08m MET, Bremen/D, 8° E 49' 53° N 05' - Jurist,
astronomer, astrologer, author. An outstanding pioneer of modern
scientific astrology who tries to integrate newest astronomical findings
to enlarge the small horizon of traditional astrology. In 1959 (!) he
introduced the galactic centre, followed by geocentric planet nodes,
Transpluto, heliocentric astrology as well as newest research of solar
activity cycles and much more. Facts which cannot be ignored by a
future-orientated astrology. Author of many scientific articles and
ephemeris. Books: 'Wir sind Kinder des Lichts' (1987),
'Sun-Earth-Man', 'Astrologie, Hoffnung auf eine neue
Wissenschaft'. Landscheidt lives now in Canada. (TAE via personal statement (d) via his own rectification/- 18h 15m MET via BC) | ||||||||
Hermann: 29. 6. 1899, 17h 30m MET, Bornhoevel/D, 10° E 16' 54° N 04'
(died: 1. 6. 1977, 21h 05m MET, Bornhoevel/D) - Professional astrologer,
author, student of A. Witte and collaborator of L. Rudolph. Prominent
advocate of Uranian Astrology ('Hamburger Schule'). Co-author of
Wittes 'Regelwerk für Planetenbilder' and editor of an index for
this book. (TAE via Holden/Hughes:‘Astrological Pioneers’ via AFA) | ||||||||
Rainer: 1. 8. 1962, 5h 55m MET, Duesseldorf/D, 6° E 47’ 51° N 12’ -
Electronic scientist, entrepreneur (founder of a clay building company),
professional astrologer (-since 1986), data collector. Advocate of the
Munich School (Muenchner Rhythmenlehre) of W. Doebereiner. Distributor of
astrological software like ‘Hermes’, ‘Astromed’,
‘Stardeut’. Since 1993 he lectures astrology- and computer courses.
Cofounder of an astrology school in Cologne (1995). (TAE via pers.statement (d) via BC/-also 5h 53 rectified) | ||||||||
Brigitte: 24. 6. 1923, 9h 00m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 23’ 52° N 30’ - Medical
assistant, Buddhist orientated astrologer since 1968 (Zen-Buddhism).
Member of the astrological research groups of A. Conrad and R. Behrens.
Studied the methods of Uranian astrology (‘Hamburger Schule’),
Cosmobiology (R. Ebertin) and traditional astrology. Special interests:
solar-transits, astrosomatic illnesses, accidents, partnership astrology,
mundane astrology, rectifications. She also gives courses on Ikebana,
Zazen and symbolic meanings of fairy tales. (TAE via personal statement (d) via BC) | ||||||||
Brigitta: 6. 10. 1954, 2h 32m MET, Wuerzburg/D, 9° E 56’ 49° N 48’ -
Hotelier, hotel director (e.g. Intercontinental, Hilton, ‘Fuerst
Scherenberg’, ‘Domizil’), astrologer (-since 1974, self taught). Certified
(1993) and active member of ‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’. In
1995 she founded the astrological centre ‘Symbolon’. On the 25th of
September 1995, 16h 10m MET, Essen/D she was elected as chairman of ‘DAV’
. Her aims where to make astrology socially acceptable. In 1997 she was
replaced by Detlef Hover. (TAE via Meridian, June 1996, via personal statement via B. Brauckmueller) | ||||||||
Herbert: 5. 7. 1900, 8h 00m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 34' 48° N 08' (died: 8.
3. 1987, 19h 30m MET, Herrsching/D, result of a heart attack from 4th of
February 1987) - Writer (novels, short stories, youth literature),
astrologer (psychological astrology). Bestseller author of 45 popular but
serious astrology books like 'Handbuch der Astrologie',
'Gezeiten des Schicksals', 'Sterne, Schicksal, Charakter',
'Astrologischer Ratgeber'... With his books he was an important
educator of the public towards a deeper understanding of astrology - which
until then was mainly limited to sun-sign astrology. (TAE via A. von Pronay) | ||||||||
64 MAHL, Bruno:
4. 7. 1951, 7h 00m MET, Enzisweiler/D, 9° E 40’ 47° N 34’ - Engine driver
of ‘Deutsche Bahn AG’ (-since 13. 4. 1973), professional astrologer,
software developer. Active and certified member (1980) of ‘Deutscher
Astrologenverband/DAV’. Designer and webmaster of the DAV
Website:. http://http://www.dav-astrologie.de/.
(TAE via personal statement (d) via BC (d)) Email: . Bruno.Mahl@t-online.de | ||||||||
Hans: 25. 11. 1903, 8h 59m MET, Pforzheim/D, 8° E 42’ 48° N 54’ (died: 25.
2. 1997, Oeschelbronn/D) - Iron works engineer, statistician, constructor,
lecturer for distortion science and technique of forgering, painter,
anthroposophist, part time astrologer. Advocate of traditional astrology.
Chairman of ‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’ (16.1.1977 - 1979).
Since 12. 4. 1987 honory member of DAV. Author of the study
‘Sternenwirksamkeiten im Leben und Schaffen Anton Bruckners.’
(1992). (TAE via pers.statement (d)) | ||||||||
Heinrich Christian: 5. 4. 1905, 15h 08m MET, Hamburg/D, 9° E 59' 53° N 33'
(died September 1987, Hamburg/D) - Dramaturge, writer (novels, short
stories), philosopher, humanist, master of rhetoric. Pioneer of a modern,
open minded astrology, transcending and uniting all schools and
traditions. An idealist and individualist with a good sence of humour as
well as a serious and scientific orientated researcher. A highlight on
every astrology congress. He subdivided horoscopes by their main structure
('Figurinen') like conjunction-structure, opposition-structure,
trine-structure etc. He also developed the method of tension rulers
('Spannungsherrscher'): planets which have the farest distance to all
other planets of the horoscope. But mainly he dedicated his life work to
demonstrate the importance of the small planet Vesta., carried on by
Hans-H. Taeger. Books: 'Der Planetoid Vesta',
'Spannungsherrscher'. Like many German astrologers of those days he
was imprisoned some years in a concentration camp. (TAE via personal statement (d)) (Website: Vesta@solar.system .:)) | ||||||||
67 MERTZ, Bernd
Arnulf: 10. 7. 1924, 7h 35m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 22' 52° N 30' (died: 17.
11. 1996, 20h 38m MET, Frankfurt/M./D,- heart attack) - Journalist,
writer, psychologist (C.G. Jung), occultist (tarot, numerology),
astrologer, esoteric, graphologist. Advocate of a psychological and
esoteric orientated astrology. Propagandist of the equal house system.
Books: 'Psychologische Astrologie' (3 vol., 1984), 'Karma in der
Astrologie', 'Astrologie und Tarot', 'Die Familie im
Horoskop', 'Das ägyptische Tarot', 'Die klassische
Astrologie', 'Die Magie der Zahlen', 'Das Horoskop in der
Hand'...He died peaceful just when he had finished his 50th
book. (TAE via personal statement/-other sources give 6h 25m MET) | ||||||||
68 METZ, Beate:
20. 11. 1959, 4h 00m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 21’ 52° N 30’ - Foreign
correspondence clerk, media scientist, journalist, astrologer. Coworker of
‘Astrologiezentrum Berlin’. Translator of astrological books. Main
interests: astrology and dreamlife. (TAE via Meridian, August 1995, via personal statement) | ||||||||
Hermann: 8. 3. 1947, 4h 10m LMT, Prien/Chiemsee/D, 8° E 33' 47° N 23' -
Popular psychologer, astrologer, author and teacher. Advocate of an easy
to follow and down to earth pschological orientated astrology. Books:
'Astrologie und Psychologie', 'Befreiung vom
Schicksalszwang' (1986), 'Gesetze des Schicksals' (1987),
'Partnerschaft, Gesundheit und Glück in der psychologischen
Astrologie', 'Vorschläge zur eigenen
Schicksalsgestaltung'... (TAE via DAV-Databank via personal statement) | ||||||||
Erich: 12. 9. 1915, 8h 50m MET, Cologne/D, 6° E 58’ 50° N 57’ -
Professional research astrologer, author. Advocate of Cosmobiology
(Ebertin-School). Special interests: research on Down-Syndrom (mongolism),
astrology of conception. He developed a method to calculate an optimum
timing for the creative act. (TAE via G. Horn/-W. Thomassen gives a rectified time of 8h 53m MET via personal statement) | ||||||||
4. 10. 1895, 18h 23m MET, Heidelberg/D, 8° E 43' 49° N 25' (death data
unknown) - Professional astrologer, data collector, author. Co-founder (in
the twenties) of an academic orientated astrology circle called
'Deutsche Kulturgemeinschaft zur Pflege der Astrologie'.
(TAE via DAV-Databank) | ||||||||
72 MRSIC, W.:
26. 10. 1896, 11h 00m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 35’ 48° N 08’ (death data
unknown) - Professional astrologer. Member of the Munich Research Group
(‘Muenchner Forscherkreis’) where he worked together with O.
Poellner and A. G. Grimm. He understood astrology as a holistic art of
interpretation and not as an empirical science. (TAE via DAV-Databank) | ||||||||
Arno: 24. 3. 1930, 3h 30m MET, Stuutgart/D, 9° E 11’ 48° N 46’ -
Psychologist, parapsychologist (‘Institut fuer Grenzgebiete der
Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg’), expert for the psychology of
traffic, head of the Institute for Medical Psychology in Homburg/Saar/D,
research astrologer (statistics), data collector, publisher of data books.
Editor of a 4 volume databook-series. In his early childhood (8 yrs.) he
became diseased with polio. Married with Gisela Mueller (* 2. 11. 1941, 7h
00m MET/S, Saarbruecken/D). (TAE via personal statement (d) via hospital and father/Gisela M.: Mueller via BC) | ||||||||
74 MUELLER-FREYWARDT, Hans: 22. 4. 1923, 15h 28m MET, Kolbermoor/D, 12° E 04’
47° N 51’ - Physician, homoeopath, research astrologer, author. He
integrates horoscopes as a source for diagnosis and therapy. A popular
speaker of the Ebertin congresses of the 70th. Beside Comobiology he also
studied Uranian astrology (‘Hamburger Schule’). As a physician he
additionally used the psychological Tuanima-Test and autosuggestion. Book:
‘Astrologische Gesundheitsfibel’. (TAE via K. Weber via personal statement) | ||||||||
Peter: 26. 6. 1953, 9h 30m MET, Melle/Osnabrueck/D, 8° E 20' 52°N12' -
Musicologist (music of the spheres), constructor of musical instruments,
professional astrologer, publisher: 'Verlag Peter Neubaecker' (graphic
planetary calenders, ascendent watches...), author. Speciality: analogies
between music and planetary movements. Books: 'Bilder zur Harmonik'
(1988), 'Himmelsmusik' (1989), 'Harmonik und Symbolik'
(1990). (TAE via personal statement (d) via BC) | ||||||||
Petra: 10. 5. 1954, 8h 55m MET, Cologne/D, 6° E 57' 50° N 56' -
Professional astrologer, publisher, editor of the astrological yearbook
‘Astrokalender-Sternenlichter’ (-since 1984), author, Buddhist (Tibetan
Buddhism). Certified Astroenergetic Adviser. Special interests: feminist
astrology, body therapy, astrodrama. Advocate of Astroenergetics
(combination of astrology, science, Buddhism). Amongst others she works
with house progressions, tension rulers, Vesta, Chiron,
Mandala-Energy-Analysis. Former student of Hans-H. Taeger and actual
student of Akong Rimpoche (Scotland) to become a Buddhist therapist.
Together with IngridWERNER (* 17. 9. 1953, 2h 35m
MET, Gladbeck/D, 6° E 59’ 51° N 34’, certified Astroenergetic Adviser) she
gives courses and workshops in the area of Aachen. In 1998 she wrote a
book about the importance and positive effects of writing an
astrobiographical self-analysis ('Handbuch der astrologischen
Biographiearbeit'). (Both data: TAE via BC (d)) | ||||||||
Peter: 9. 5. 1949, 22h 22m MET/S, Hamm/Westphalia/D, 7° E 49' 51° N 41' -
Psychologer, mathematician, physicist, psychotherapist (since 1981),
professional astrologer (since 1975), active and certified member of the
'Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV', director of the 'Freiburger
Ausbildungszentrum'. Former chairman of DAV and now honorary member.
Author of an astrological correspondence course on cassettes. Advocate of
scientific astrology (research). Editor of the 'DAV-Databank'
(CD-ROM, 1997). Author of 'Kritische Astrologie' (critical
astrology). A well known speaker of international astrological congresses.
Also active in media work (radio, tv, internet). Nudist movement
activist. (TAE via personal statement (d) via his own rectification/-22h 30m MET/S via BC) Website: . http://http://www.niehenke.de/ Email: . peter@niehenke.de | ||||||||
Hans: 22. 3. 1891, 6h 38m LMT, Paderborn/D, 8° E 45’ 51° N 43’ (died: 1.
9. 1985, Bronx/NY/USA) - German-american astrologer. Important advocate of
Uranian astrology (‘Hamburger Schule’) in the States. Student and coworker
of A. Witte and an enthusiastic opponent of Cosmobiology and R. Ebertin.
In 1959 he translated without authorization the ‘Regelwerk der Planeten’
of A. Witte into English. This coursed a dramatic copyright quarrel with
L. Rudolph. Books: ‘The Principles of Uranian Astrology’, ‘Key to
Uranian Astrology’. (TAE via NCGR-Journal, 1992 via pers.statement/-7h 00m via BC) | ||||||||
79 OTT, Ernst:
13. 7. 1950, 10h 30m MET, Winterthur/CH, 8° E 44' 47° N 30' - Professional
astrologer. Advocate of a psychological and spiritual orientated
astrology. Active member of the 'Deutscher Astrologen Verband/DAV'.
Director of the 'Astrologieschule Ernst Ott' (2-year courses in
astrology). (TAE via Meridian, May 1991, via personal statement) | ||||||||
Dirk: 13. 11. 1968, 14h 49m MET, Erlangen/D, 11° E 01’ 49° N 36’ -
Electrical engineer, programmer of the famous astrological software
‘Galileo’. Co-director of the company ‘Paessler Software’. Both
parents are astrologers. (TAE via personal statement (d) exactly timed by his father) Website: . http://www.paessler.de/ Email: . info@paessler.de | ||||||||
Ernst-Guenther: 10. 9. 1914, 8h 00m MET, Braunschweig/D, 10° E 31’ 52° N
16’ (died: 6. 7. 1985) - Professional astrologer, esoteric, author. A
sensitive and deep thinker. Mainly known for his books: ‘Das Horoskop
der Menschheit’, ‘Der Schluessel zur esoterischen Astrologie’,
‘Der Schluessel zur Partnerschaftsastrologie’, ‘Der Schluessel
zur Prognose’. (TAE via personal statement) | ||||||||
Herbert: 10. 1. 1904, 14h 07m MET, Luebeck/D, 10° E 41' 53° N 52' (died:
11. 12. 1966, 20h 30m MET, Hamburg/D) - Professional astrologer, author,
follower of A. Witte. Advocate of Uranian Astrology ('Hamburger
Schule'), collaborator of the astrological magazine 'Hamburger
Hefte'. (TAE via U. Rudolph via personal statement) | ||||||||
83 PERCH, Carl:
27. 3. 1897, 17h 38m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 22' 52° N 30' (died: 17. 4.
1994, 22h 15m MET/S, Hamburg/D) - Police detective, astrologer (follower
of A. Witte), author. Advocate of Uranian Astrology ('Hamburger
Schule'). Special interests: rectifications, sensitive points. Author
of 'Geburtszeitkorrektur', 'Die sensitiven Punkte',
'Geburt und Tod'... (TAE via U. Rudolph via personal statement) | ||||||||
Wilhelm: 5. 12. 1774, 6h 30m LAT, Stuttgart/D, 9° E 11’ 48° N 46’ (died
1835) - Esoteric, professional astrologer, philosopher. In 1816 he
published the manifesto ‘Astrologie’ to reintegrate astrology again
as a university science. Together with G. H. Schubert he edited an
astrological pocketbook series and rendered the ‘Tetrabiblos’ of
Ptolemy the first time into German. Beside cyclic studies he supported the
theory that the universe is penetrated by mind and soul (Weltseele). Book:
‘Der Mensch und die Sterne’. (TAE via H. Specht) | ||||||||
85 POPP, Werner:
17. 2. 1944, 14h 09m MET, Buchau/Karlsbad/CS, 13° E 03’ 50° N 05’ -
Detective superintendent, part time research astrologer (-since 1963),
author. He was involved as a co-author in Geoffrey Dean’s famous book
‘Recent Advances in Natal Astrology’. His main interests are
psychological and esoteric astrology, financial astrology (management
consultant), stock market analysis, astro statistics, and programming
astrological software. His hobbys are Karate and Aikido. (TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
Walter: 6. 5. 1902, 3h 00m MET, Elbing/Ostpr./D, 19° E 25' 54° N 10'
(death data unknown) - Graphologist, professional astrologer, data
collector, author. Advocate of traditional astrology (primary directions,
mundane astrology). He combined astrology with graphology. Books:
'Aspektdeutung', 'Horoskopdeutung',
'Staedtepositionen', 'Glueckssterne' (data collection).
Editor of a correspondence course on graphology: 'Lehrgang der intuitiven
Graphologie'... (TAE via personal statement) | ||||||||
Alexander von: 31. 3. 1927, 20h 45m MET, Warnsdorf/D, 14° E 37' 50° N 55'
- Professional astrologer, author of many astrology books. Advocate of a
traditional, solid and scientific orientated astrology. Interests: primary
and secondary directions, solar return, partnership-analysis, transits,
prognosis, mundane astrology. Books: 'Astrologische Direktionen'
(1983), 'Deutung des Solarhoroskops' (1985), 'Die grosse
Partschaftsanalyse' (1979), 'Das grosse Transitbuch' (1983),
'Helfen Horoskope hoffen?' (1982), 'Sterne in uns' (1975),
'Prognose nach dem Geburtshoroskop' (1984)... (TAE via personal statement) | ||||||||
Heinrich Graf von: 11. 3. 1526, 22h 31m LMT, Steinburg/Itzehoe/D, 9° E 31'
53° N 55' (died: 31.12.1598, Breitenburg/D) - Diplomat, humanist,
politician, banker, merchant, historian, astrologer, data collector
(horoscopes of nobility), author. Interests: astro-medicine, fundamental
principles of astrology, astrobiographical studies. Books:
'Catalogus' (horoscopes of emperors and and high aristrocracy),
'Exempla' (collection of 87 horoscopes, 1585), 'De Conservanda
Valetudine' (astro-medicine), 'Tractatus Astrologicus' (basics
of astrology)... (TAE via DAV-Databank) | ||||||||
89 REGIOMONTANUS (Johannes Mueller): 6. 6. 1436, 16h 40m LAT,
Unfinden/Bavaria/D, 10° E 35' 50° N 05' (died: 6. 7. 1476, Rome/I,
-pestilence) - Mathematician (trigonometry), reformer of calendar,
astronomer, humanist, publisher (ephemeris, tables for primary directions,
astrological almanac's), author, collector of astrological texts. Author
(translator) of 'Lehrgedicht des Manilus' (fundamental principles
of astrology)... (TAE via Astrolog, No. 4, 1988, via reconstruction of his self drawn horoscope) | ||||||||
Heinrich: 6. 4. 1888, 23h 15m LMT, Munich/D, 11° E 34' 48° N 08' (died:
9.8.1961) - Physician, painter, musician, psychologer (creator of the
Tuanima-picture test), astrologer. Advocate of a psychological and medical
orientated astrology. He tried to give a medical explanation for the
function of astrology during the process of birth: with opening of the
lungs (first cry) the brain and especially the pineal gland function as an
organic memory and keep this first cosmic radiation imprint throughout the
life. (TAE via K. Weber via R. Ebertin/-Lescaut, vol. 17 has also a rectified time of 23h 23m LMT) | ||||||||
Paul: 6. 7. 1929, 12h 45m MET, Heidelberg/D, 8° E 43’ 49° N 25’ -
German-swiss remedial educator, astrologer. Cofounder and for many years
director of ‘Stiftung Lebenshilfe’, a centre for people with mental
handicaps in Reinach/CH. Former student of the prominent astrologer Thomas
Ring and cofounder of the ‘Thomas-Ring-Stiftung’. Advocate of a
humanistic and philosophical orientated astrology. (TAE via BC (d) and hospital (d)) | ||||||||
Ingrid: 3. 8. 1956, 6h 00m MET, Karlsruhe/D, 8° E 24’ 49° N 03’ -
Alternative health practitioner, esoteric, chakra-therapist, meditation
practitioner, astrologer. Coworker at ‘Astro-Zentrum Berlin’ and
owner of the esoteric bookshop ‘Zenit’ (Berlin). (TAE via Meridian, October 1995, via personal statement) | ||||||||
93 RIEGGER-MARQUARDT, Mona: 28. 5. 1957, 2h 17m MET, Stuttgart/D, 9° E 10' 48° N
46' - Bookseller, collaborator of an esoteric bookshop, gestalt-therapist,
professional astrologer, astrology instructor ('Ausbildungszentrum
Berlin'), active and certified member of the 'Deutscher Astrologen
Verband/DAV', author. Advocate of traditional astrology, Uranian
Astrology ('Hamburger Schule'), horary astrology, Munich School (W.
Doebereiner). Research on partnership astrology (combin and composite).
Participant of astrological tv- and radio-shows. Book: 'Handbuch der
Combin- und Compositdeutung' (1997). She is also author of the
astrological interpretation program ‘Horoskop fuer zwei’
(1998). (TAE via pers. statement (d) of her own rectification/-hospital says 2h 18m MET versus 3h 18m MET via BC) Email: . mona.riegger@t-online.de | ||||||||
Brigitte: 8. 4. 1943, 8h 37m MET/S, Bunzlau/D/Boleslawiec/PL, 15° E 34’
51° N 16’ - Social scientist, for 16 yrs. lecturer in psychology on
schools for adult education, professional astrologer. In 1988 she
established a practice for psychological astrology. Active member of the
‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’. Since the early 90th she acts as
the director of the ‘DAV-Ausbildungszentrum Ruhrgebiet’ in
Witten/D. (TAE via Meridian, no. 5, 1992 via personalstatement) | ||||||||
Fritz: 15. 9. 1902, 3h 45m MET, Chemnitz/D, 12° E 55' 50° N 50' (death
data unknown) - Popular professional psychoanalysist, psychotherapist,
astrologer, author. A sensitive and clear thinker. Psychological
orientated astrology. Books: 'Lebenshilfe Astrologie', 'Die
Faehigkeit zu lieben', 'Grundformen helfender Partnerschaft',
'Die Kunst des Alterns', 'Grundformen der Angst'...
(TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
96 RING, Thomas:
28. 11. 1892, 17h 00m MET, Nuremberg/D, 11° E 05' 49° N 27' (died: 24. 8.
1983, Schaerding/A, -appendicitis) - Painter (expressionist), graphic
designer, philosopher, parapsychologist (collaborator of H. Bender),
cosmologist, professional astrologer, author. Advocate of a spiritual,
humanistic, philosophical, holistic and cyclic orientated astrology
(Germany's Dane Rudhyar). He understood astrology as an 'art' of
interpretation. Books: 'Das Sonnensystem als Organismus', (1939),
'Das Lebewesen im Rhythmus des Weltraums' (1939), 'Astrologische
Menschenkunde' (4 vol., 1956)... (TAE via A. Mueller via BC (d)) | ||||||||
Friedel: 2. 9. 1955, 11h 30m MET, Leverkusen/D, 6° E 59' 51° N 02' -
Musician, yoga instructor, body therapist, ritualist, professional
astrologer, author. Advocate of an experimental and creative astrology. As
a teacher (astro-entertainer) he works with astro-drama, astro-theatre,
psychodrama, music, dance, rituals, Gestalt, body language, meditation -
the full spectrum of creative and nonverbal methods to get a deeper
understanding of the the basic astrological energies. (TAE via personal statement (d) via book of family and via mother) | ||||||||
Ludwig: 9. 1. 1893, 1h 30m LMT, Uelzen/D, 10° E 34' 52° N 58' (died: 14.
7. 1982, 0h 30m MET/S, Hamburg/D) - Publisher, astrologer, author.
Committed advocate of the Uranian astrology ('Hamburger Schule').
Collaborator of A. Witte. In 1925 he founded together with Witte and
Sieggruen the astrological association 'Hamburger Schule'. He worked also
as a co-author and co-editor of Wittes fundamental book 'Regelwerk der
Planeten'. Since 1961 he edited and published the uranian magazine
'Hamburger Hefte'. Father of the astrologer Udo Rudolph.
(TAE via pesonal statement) | ||||||||
99 RUDOLPH, Udo:
14. 12. 1921, 13h 21m MET, Osterode/Harz/D, 10° E 15' 51° N 44' -
Bookseller, industrial manager, professional astrologer (son of Ludwig
Rudolph), publisher, author. Advocate of Uranian astrology (A. Witte).
Since 1976 president of the 'Hamburger Schule' (-now: 'Astrologische
Studiengesellschaft Hamburg'). In 1978 he took over the
'Witte-Verlag' and since 1980 he worked as chief editor of the
Uranian magazine 'Hamburger Hefte'. Books: 'The Hamburg School of
Astrology' (1973), co-author of 'Handbuch zur Astrologie der
Hamburger Schule'. A humanistic and positive thinker. (TAE via personal statement) | ||||||||
100 SCHAECK, Elisabeth: 19. 9. 1912, 8h 20m MET, Neunkirchen/D, 8° E
06' 50° N 32' - Publisher ('Schaeck Verlag'), astrologer. She mainly took
care for propagating and publishing the work of the astrologer Walter Koch
(GOH-Houses). (TAE via DAV-Databank) | ||||||||
Thomas: 29. 2. 1960, 2h 30m MET, Wittlich/D, 6° E 53’ 49° N 59’ -
Alternative healing practitioner, dream- and imagination therapist,
physiognomist, professional astrologer, author. Advocate of a spiritual,
esoteric and psychological orientated astrology. Books: ‘Astrologische
Charakterskizzen’ (1988), ‘Spirituelles Leben’ (1990),
Bildersprache Astrologie’ (1991), ‘Es war einmal ein Stern - Der
Tierkreis im Maerchen’ (1991), ‘Vom Sternenkult zur Astrologie’
(1993), ‘Gesichtsdeutung und Astrologie’ (1994), ‘Spirituelle
Maerchen’ (1994), ‘Astrologie, Imagination und Traumdeutung’
(1995). (TAE via personal statement (d) and BC (d)/-his own rectification is 2h 32m MET) | ||||||||
102 SCHEFTHALLER, Vera: 31. 5. 1959, 23h 51m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 34’ 48° N
08’ - Qualified bank clerk, professional research astrologer, data
collector, author. After studies of Cosmobiology (R. Ebertin) and
traditional astrology she became an enthusiastic follower of Uranian
astrology (‘Hamburger Schule’) . Articles in ‘Hamburger Hefte’ and
‘Meridian’. Interests in children horoscopes. (TAE via her own rectification (d) and via BC: 23h 55m MET (d)) Website: . http://homepages.munich.netsurf.de/Vera.Schefthaller/index.htm | ||||||||
Claudia von: 30. 9. 1967, 14h 43m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 34’ 48° N 08’ -
Musician, professional astrologer, author, astrological software developer
(together with her husband), data specialist of the magazine
‘Meridian’. Main interests: traditional, horary, electional and
financial astrology. Co-author of the popular software ‘Hermes’ and
author of the book ‘Astrologische Terminwahl’ (1997). Married with
the engineer, physicist and software developer Klaus von SCHIERSTEDT(* 8. 1. 1965, 6h 05m
MET, Hof/D). (TAE via personal statement (d) via mother and hospital/-Klaus Sch.: TAE via pers. statement (d) via mother) Website: . http://http://www.hermes-astrologie.com/ .. Email: . claudia@HERMES-Astrologie.com | ||||||||
Heinz: 23. 8. 1896, 9h 10m MET, Haspe/Hagen/D, 7° E 26' 51° N 21' (death
data unknown) - Architect, writer, astrologer. Prominent propagator of
Uranian astrology (A.Witte) and collaborator of the astrological magazine
'Hamburger Hefte'. (TAE via U. Rudolph) | ||||||||
Otto Johannes: 9. 7. 1925, 0h 20m MET, Bamberg/D, 10° E 53’ 49° N 53’ -
Germanist, publicist, psychologer, dramaturge, theatre director (1956 -
70), feature writer (1971 - 76), astrologer (-since 1952), author.
Certified member of ‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’ (1987). Since 1991
director of a DAV-training centre (DAV-Ausbildungszentrum) in
Bamberg/D. Organizer of workshops and holiday courses. (TAE via personal rectification (d)/-0h 30m via BC) | ||||||||
Oskar H.: 16. 4. 1873, 12h 00m LMT, Bad Homburg/D, 8° E 37' 50° N 13'
(died: 18. 12. 1931) - professional astrologer, author. Advocate of a
humanistic astrology. Book: 'Der Geist der Astrologie'...
(TAE via S. Belscak/-there is also a rectified time of 12h 04m LMT via ‘Zenit’, 1932) | ||||||||
Christel: 1. 4. 1935, 21h 00m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 23’ 52° N 30’ -
Psychologist (self hypnosis), remedial educator, esoteric (student of Th.
Dethlefsen), astrologer. Wife of Herbert SCHOEDER (* 18. 4. 1938, 2h 45m
MET, Herford/D, 8° E 40’ 52° N 07’): Mythologist, philosopher of
comparative religion, depth psychologist (C.G. Jung), high-frequency
engineer, esoteric, astrologer (student of Th. Dethlefsen). Co-author
(with his wife) of ‘Gnosis im Mythos des 20. Jahrhunderts’.
(Both data: TAE via personal statements (d) and BC (d)) | ||||||||
Johann: 16. 1. 1477, 23h 22m LMT, Karlstadt/D, 9° E 45' 49° N 57 (died:
16. 1. 1547, Nuremberg/D) - Astronomer, geographer, mathematician,
theologist (protestant), humanist, astrologer, publisher, author. Student
of J. Stoeffler and Melanchthon. Editor of ephemeris, celestial maps and a
book about the fundamental principles of astrology (1545).
(TAE via Leo, Nr. 475/-other sources: 23h 30m LMT) | ||||||||
109 SCHUBERT-WELLER, Christoph: 20. 5. 1950, 6h 00m MET, Muenster/D, 7° E 37'
51° N 58' - Educator, philosopher, linguist, Christian esoteric,
astrologer (scientific astrology), author. Special interests:
rectifications, connections between Christianity and astrology. Books:
'Die astrologische Geburtszeitkorrektur' (1989), 'Astrologie -
Eine Annaeherung der Christen' (1993)... (TAE via Meridian, no. 3, 1991 via personal Statement) | ||||||||
Thomas: 29. 5. 1956, 14h 15m MET, Kaiserslautern/D, 7° E 46' 49° N 27' -
German-Irish physiotherapist, massage-therapist, research astrologer,
esoteric, colour therapist, Buddhist (Tibetan Buddhism), author. Certified
Astroenergetic Adviser. Advocate of Astroenergetics (synthesis of western
astrology, science and Buddhism). Life partner and collaborator of Hans-H.
Taeger (-first contact 11. 4. 1982, 22h 15m IST, Dharamsala/IND).
Co-director of the 'Institute for Astroenergetic Studies/IAS' and
co-editor of the Taeger-Archives. Special interests: data research,
astro-medicine, research on Vesta, Chiron, tension rulers,
Mandala-Energy-Analysis (MEA), esoteric astrology, effects of colour,
light and sound, tantric mysticism, a quick way to enlightment. Co-editor
of the the data book series ‘Internationales Horoskope Lexikon’
(1992-97) and the ‘Taeger-Archives on CD-ROM’ (1998). Since 19. 3.
1984 he lives as a permanent resident in Ireland and runs the
'Institute for Physical Therapy' in Portsalon, Co. Doengal. Data of
parents: Trudel Siegfried (* 4. 12. 1927, 16h 30m MET, Kaiserslauter/D:
nurse), Walter Siegfried (* 21. 6. 1925, 14h 30m MET, Kaiserslautern/D:
teacher, businessman). Brother of Michael Siegfried (* 24. 2. 1955, 20h
30m MET, Kaiserlautern/D: lawyer). (TAE via midwife (d)/-parents and brother: via personal statement via BC) Website: .http://www.iol.ie/~taeger. .(Webmaster) . Email: ..taeger@iol.ie .& ..ias@iol.ie | ||||||||
Friedrich: 20. 12. 1877, 8h 41m LMT, Luebeck/D, 10° E 41' 53° N 52' (died:
4. 5. 1951, 2h 15m MET, Hamburg/D) - Nautical scientist, professional
astrologer, author. Committed student and collaborator of Alfred Witte.
Engaged propagator of the Uranian Astrology. Creator of the term
'Hamburger Schule'. He postulated the 4 additional hypothetical planets
Apollon, Admetos, Vulcanus and Poseidon. Co-editor of the book 'Die
Hamburger Astrologenschule' (1925). (TAE via U. Rudolph (d) via personal statement) | ||||||||
Elisabeth: 28. 5. 1883, 22h 30m LMT, Schwerin/D, 11° E 25’ 53° N 38’
(death data unknown) - German-american dietician, alternative healing
practicioner, breathing therapist, esoteric, occultist, theosophist,
professional astrologer. Since 1939 in New York. Student of K.
Brandler-Pracht and Max Grimm. Director of the Munich ‘Mazdaznan’
society, a theosophical group (studies of Zarathustra-teachings, gnosis,
alchemy, tantra and vegetarism). (TAE via Holden/Hughes: Astrological Pioneers of America via AFA) | ||||||||
Erik van: 28. 7. 1942, 19h 10m MET/S, Eindhoven/NL, 5° E 28’ 51° N 26’ -
Dutch-German linguist, art historian, philosopher, teacher for Dutch and
philosophy (Munich), professional astrologer. His father was also an
astrologer. Active and certified member (second chairman) of ‘Deutscher
Astrologenverband/DAV’. Advocate of traditional astrology in the
manner of W. Lilly. Specialised in horary astrology. Book: ‘Lehrbuch
der Stundenastrologie’ (1994). (TAE via personal statement (d)/-also 18h 15m MET/S via BC and 18h 10m via father) | ||||||||
Heinz: 12. 11. 1925, 21h 30m MET, Backnang/D, 9° E 25' 48° N 56' -
Merchant, soldier (seriously injured: 12. 2. 1945), alternative healer,
data collector, programmer of astrological software, astrologer
(scientific astrology), member of honor of 'Deutscher Astrologen
Verband/DAV'. Student of E. C. Kuehr and committed propagator of his
methods (e.g. primary directions according to Kuehr). Collaborator of W.
Koch and F. Zanzinger with whom he developed the formulas of the
GOH-Houses (‘Koch-Felder’/Koch-houses). Other interests: mundane
astrology. Author of the data-collection 'Astro-Digest'
(1987). (TAE via personal statement (d) via BC) | ||||||||
Hermann: 24. 10. 1915, 15h 45m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 34' 48° N 08' (died
1991) - Professional astrologer, author. Enthusiastic propagator of
Uranian Astrology (A. Witte). Interests: mundane and political astrology.
Collaborator of the astrological magazine 'Hamburger Hefte'.
Articles: 'Mussolini, eine astrologische Untersuchung',
'Einfuehrung in die Technik der Hamburger Schule' (1979),
'Kuenstlerhoroskope im Spiegel der Transneptunier', 'Das
Nuremberger Hochgericht'... (TAE via U. Rudolph via personal statement) | ||||||||
115 STAHL,
Claus: 8. 2. 1934, 11h 21m MET, Stuttgart/D, 9° E 12’ 48° N 47’ -
Psychologist, psycho-therapist (student of R. Cohn), esoteric, research
astrologer, astro-therapist. Advocate of a traditional and humanistic
astrology (-influenced by Th. Ring). Special research interests: addiction
(alcoholism) and psycho- resp. astrosomatic illnesses. (TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
Brigitte: 21. 2. 1953, 21h 50m MET, Nuremberg/D, 11° E 04’ 49° N 27’ -
Educationalist, teacher (biology, geography), professional astrologer
(-since 1995). Student of E. Ott and certified member of ‘Deutscher
Astrologenverband/DAV’. Advocate of psychological
astrology. (TAE via personal statement (d) via BC/-also personal rectification: 21h 48m MET) | ||||||||
Reinhardt: 6. 2. 1958, 14h 45m MET, Ehingen-Daechingen/D, 9° E 44' 48° N
17' - Cultural scientist (studies of subculture), music critic (pop and
rock), Chiron-fan (-he has an exact conjunction of Chiron-Sun in
aquarius), publisher of ambitious astrology books ('Chiron Verlag',
since 1983), astrologer, esoteric, editor and translator of several books
about Chiron. (TAE via personal statement via BC) Website: . http://http://www.chironverlag.com/. Email: . . chironverlag@compuserve.com | ||||||||
Johannes: 10. 12. 1452, 6h 00m LMT, Blaubeuren/D, 9° E 47' 48° N 24' (died
1531) - Astronomer, publisher, protestant, humanist, astrologer. Famous
astrological adviser of the nobility of his time. Editor and publisher of
a popular yearly ephemeris-almanac (1499-1531). Main teacher of the
astrologer Johann Schoener. (TAE via DAV-Datenbank) | ||||||||
119 SZABO,
Zoltan: 21. 6. 1945, 5h 55m MET/S, Gyoer/H, 17° E 39’ 47° N 41’ -
(pseudonym: Dr. Saladin) German professional astrologer (-since 1980) of
Hungarian origin. Psychologist, mathematician, philosopher (Marxism),
psychoanalyst, author. Books: ‘Astrologie der Wandlung’, ‘Buch
der Runen’, ‘Astrologie des Schwans’. (TAE via personal statement (d) via mother) | ||||||||
Hans-Hinrich: 15. 10. 1944, 6h 35m MET, Goerlitz/D, 14° E 59' 51° N 09' -
German-Irish psychologist, sociologist, media scientist, art historian
(universities of Berlin & Muenster), journalist (tv, film),
psychoanalyst (C.G. Jung), esoteric. Active participant of the psychedelic
movement of the midsixties and early seventies :). Buddhist (Tibetan
Buddhism/-student of Lama Yeshe, *15. 5. 1935, 5h 00m LMT,
Töling/Dechen/Tibet, Geshe Rabten, Tenga Tulku, Kalu Rimpotsche and
others), ‘professional hobby astrologer’ (-since 1970), data collector
('Taeger-Archives'), author. Astrological studies since 1964.
Student of R. Ebertin (1968-72) and Meier-Parm. Editor of the
‘Astro-Brain’ Computer Software (1982). Initiator of
Astroenergetics, a vital combination of western astrology, science and
Buddhism. Founder of the Buddhist group 'Manjushri-Mandala, Friends of
New Age Buddhism' (October 1975) and the 'Institute for
Astroenergetic Studies/IAS' (reorganization as a research centre: 1.
1. 1988, 0h 00m WET, Portsalon / IRL, co-director: Thomas Siegfried, who
is also his life partner). Between 1979-81 he made a 2-year meditation
retreat under guidance of Lama Tenga Tulku (* 8. 7. 1932, 6h 30m LMT,
Nanchen/Tibet). Certified astrologer of ‘Deutscher
Astrologenverband/DAV’ (1978), Astroenergetic Adviser (1982) and
authorized Buddhist teacher (-since 1977). Member of various astrological
associations. Advocate of an experimental and empirical reasearch
orientated astrology. Between 1970-80 he developed the methods of
holograms (computation of total midpoints of all natal factors),
rhythomgrams (house progressions of various rhythm in a graphical
printout), Mandala Energy Analysis / MEA (extensive and basic analysis of
a chart). Research interests (amongst others): Vesta, Pluto, Chiron (whom
he gives the alternative name 'Hypnos'), cyclic astrology (galactic
centre, apex, supergalactic centre), heliocentric astrology, tension
rulers (Meier-Parm), house progressions (6 year rhythm per house in
clockwise and anti-clockwise parallelism), astrocartography (J. Lewis),
distance values, midpoints, 12th house, Moon-Neptune connections,
brain-activities caused by planetary transits (REM-research). Taeger
understands this age (Zeitgeist) as dominated by a mixture of libra
(Super-Galactic Centre/SGC or 'Great Attractor' on 2° libra), capricorn
(Apex or flight direction of our Solar system towards 2° capricorn) and
sagittarius (Galactic Centre/GC on 28° sagittarius). Advocate of the equal
house system and a holistic understanding of spiritual, esoteric,
philosophical, psychological, materialized and scientific aspects of
astrology. Also interests in mundane and horary astrology. Critic of
primary directions, secondary progressions, the siderial theory of an
aquarian age and the drifting of astrology downwards to pure materialism
(e.g. financial astrology, marketing, business). As a councellor he is
more interested in metapersonal and spiritual growth problems
(Uranus-Pluto). - Astrology he predominantly understands as an esoteric
way of self-initiation to develop wisdom and unity with the inner and
outer 5 elements or forms of light (-including the ether-element). This
happens during an endless trip from rebirth to rebirth, under the laws of
cause and effect and the illusion of time and space, -being part of a
self-entertaining magical universe. - Aims of this evolution: loosing all
fears, having a complete, nondualistic understanding and reunite. - Other
interests: Buddhist art, fractal art, effects of colour and light, garden
design, experimental (psychedelic) music, the Irish way of life. -Health
weaknesses: thyroid insufficiency, allergies (esp. between early childhood
and the late 80th), weight and heart problems (heart attack: January
1982), occasional kidney stones. Books: 'Astroenergetik’ (7 ed.
since 1982), 'Astro-Trips’ (collection of essays, 1986),
'Spiritualitaet und Drogen’ (dissertation on psychedelics and
mystical experiences, 2 ed. 1988-98), 'Internationales Horoskope
Lexikon' (data collection series, 4 vol., 1992-97),
'Taeger-Archives on CD-ROM' (1998, -programmed by Tobias Ferber).
Data of parents: Helga Taeger (* 20. 11. 1921, 23h 45m MET, Goerlitz/D:
ballet master), Heinz Paul Taeger (* 30. 3. 1914, 11h 15m MET, Berlin/D:
building engineer). -His brother Nicolaus died very young, caused by
cancer of the throat (* 6. 12. 1951, 1h 00m MET, Berlin/D - 26. 7. 1961,
7h 00m MET, Berlin/D). Since 19. 3. 1984, 22h WET, Portsalon/IRL Taeger
lives as a permanent resident in Co. Donegal, Ireland. (TAE via BC (d): 6h 30m MET/-both parents corrected to 6h 35m MET) More detailed biographical notes (-in different languages): Website: . http://www.iol.ie/~taeger . Email: . taeger@iol.ie ..or .. ias@iol.ie | ||||||||
Norbert: 4. 12. 1957, 14h 15m MET, Kulmbach/Bavaria/D, 11° E 28' 50° N 05'
- Educator, social worker, dream-therapist, professional astrologer
(-since 1983), author. Former student of Hans-H. Taeger. Certified
Astroenergetic Adviser. Advocate of Astroenergetics (synthesis of western
astrology, science and Buddhism). Main interests: connections between
dream-life and astrology, dream-analysis. Author of 'Die Raetsel des
Lebens' (1994, on astrology and dreamlife), a comprehensive book
series about the 12 zodiac archetypes, their influence on the dreamlife
and on hidden energetic processes (12 vol., 1994-97). Co-author (together
with Hildegard Schwarz) of 'Das Bilderbuch der Traeume' (1992).
(TAE via BC (d)) | ||||||||
122 TIEDE,
Ernst: 2. 4. 1863, 13h 00m LMT, Kanitzken/East Prussia/D, 18° E 48' 53° N
41' (death data unknown) - Site engineer, astrologer, author. Wrote books
about celtic-german astrology with some racist tendencies. He also edited
an astrological encyclopedia: 'Astrologisches Lexikon'.
(TAE via ‘Astrologischer Auskunftsbogen’, no. 7, 1970) | ||||||||
123 THIEL,
Werner: 22. 1. 1921, 3h 55m MET, Neudietendorf/D, 10° E 55’ 50° N 55’
(died: 5. 12. 1995, 6h 50m MET, Heidelberg/D) - Alternative healing
practitioner, graphologist, journalist, author, research astrologer,
cosmobiologist (R. Ebertin). Advocate of a traditional and scientific
astrology. Active member of the ‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’.
Special interests: nature healing, medical astrology, partnership
astrology. (TAE via ‘Meridian’, April 1996 via W. Boer) | ||||||||
Rudolf: 23. 12. 1895, 14h 00m MET, Budweis/D-now Budejovice/CS, 14° E 28'
48° N 59' (died: 8. 2. 1966) - Psychologist, parapsychologist, research
astrologer, author. He was a collaborator and friend of R. Ebertin
(Comobiology) and worked on a physical theory to explain the influence of
astrology. Author of 'Kosmische Kraftfelder', 'Astrale
Einfluesse' (1958). (TAE via DAV-Databank/-also 13h 40m rectified via Wassilko) | ||||||||
Wolfgang: 27. 7. 1923, 0h 57m MET, Kiel/D, 10° E 08’ 54° N 20’ (died: 20.
11. 1995, 14h 35m MET, Preetz/Ploen/D) - Lyricist, author, astrologer.
Astrological lecturer since 1975. Member of ‘Astrologiekreis
Wassermannzeitalter’. Renown for his articles in the astrological
magazine ‘Meridian’. (TAE via personal statement (d)/-death data via ‘Kieler Nachrichten’ via H. Schmiedle) | ||||||||
Heidi: 14. 8. 1943, 3h 20m MET/S, Meiningen/D, 10° E 25’ 50° N 34’ - Group
therapist, professional astrologer, active member of ‘Deutscher
Astrologenverband/DAV’ (-since 1974). Advocate of a progressive,
unorthodox, psychological and experimental astrology. Astrology as
creative self-experience (group dynamics). Integration of music, dance,
art. Married witheconomist and finance-astrologer Ralph TREIER .(* 30. 12. 1950, 13h 35m MET, Stuttgart). (TAE via BC and family bible (d)/Ralph: pers. statement (d)) Website: . http://www.p-forum.de/personen/treierh.htm | ||||||||
Alois: 7. 3. 1950, 9h 15m MET, Regensburg/D, 12° E 06' 49° N 01' -
German-Swiss physicist, programer of astrological software, entrepreneur,
publisher, professional astrologer. Founder and director of the company
'Astrodienst Zuerich' (astrological calculation and interpretation
service). Research in the field of artificial intelligence
(*Astro*Intelligence*) in connection with astrological text
interpretations of Liz Greene, Robert Hand, Mona Riegger. Well known for
his popular and informative Website (e.g. ASC world atlas, time zones
etc.) . (TAE via personal statement (d) via BC) Website: . http://http://www.astro.ch/ . Email: . alois@astro.ch | ||||||||
Edmund Herbert: 18. 12. 1910, 23h 45m MET, Berlin/D, 13° E 22' 52° N 30'
(died: between 25. and 30. 3. 1982, Berlin/D) - Professional astrologer,
data collector, author. Advocate of an experimental and scientific
orientated astrology. His specialities were tertiary directions, lunar
directions, mundane astrology, prognosis. Among others he predicted a 3rd
world war for 1960. He was an eccentric amongst German astrologers, but
created some interesting theories beyond bondages of traditional
astrology. Books: 'Das Horoskop des Atomzeitalters', '1001
weltpolitische Horoskope' (1955, data collection),
'Tertiaer-Direktionen, die volkommene Direktionslehre'.
(TAE via OEAG via personal statement/-also 24h 00m MET via DAV) | ||||||||
Albert: 10. 7. 1917, 5h 36m MET/S, Stuttgart/D, 9° E 11’ 48° N 47’ -
Professional research astrologer, author. Certified member of
‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’ (1962). Advocate of a traditional
astrology. Special interests: rectifications (via E. C. Kuehr) and primary
directions. (TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
130 UNGERN-STERNBERG, Olga von: 24. 11. 1895, 14h 00m MET,
Berlin-Lichterfelde/D, 13° E 18' 52° N 26' - Physician, homoeopath,
acupuncturist, psychoanalysist (C. G. Jung), a critical anthroposophist
(Steiner), mythologist (Greek mythology), astrologer, author. She was a
personal student of R. Steiner and H. Keyserling. Advocate of a of
spiritual, humanistic, mythological, and psychological orientated
astrology. A popular lecturer with a good sence of humour and intuition.
Books: 'Die Sternenschrift im Gralsgeschehen', 'Die
innerseelische Erfahrungswelt am Bilde der Astrologie' (1928),
'Grundlagen kosmischen Ichbewusstseins' (1977). (TAE via personal statement: ‘around 14h 00m MET’/-others rectified her time to 13h 56m MET) | ||||||||
Johannes: 21. 9. 1890, 18h 12m LMT, Ruegenwalde/D, 16° E 25' 54° N 25'
(died: 6. 3. 1958, Berlin/D) - Professional astrologer, esoteric, author,
publisher. Advocate and pioneer of a scientific orientated astrology,
founder of an astrology school, editor of an astrological calendar and a
seven-part course of 'Wissenschaftliche Geburtsastrologie'.
Propagator of the equal house system. (TAE via G. Horn) | ||||||||
132 VEHNS,
Gerhard: 18. 8. 1951, 8h 45m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 34' 48° N 08' -
Professional astrologer, programmer, entrepreneur. Pioneer in the field of
high class astrological software ('Sesam-Software'). His new
Windows edition ‘SESAM Professional Gold Tools’ is in
progress. (TAE via BC (d)) Website: . http://home.t-online.de/home/sesam Email: ..sesam@t-online.de | ||||||||
J.: 11. 5. 1883, 18h 30m LMT, Till/Kleve/D, 6° E 09' 51° N 48' (death data
unknown) - scientist, astrologer, advocate of a serious and scientific
orientated astrology. Member of the academic astrological circle
'Deutsche Kulturgemeinschaft zur Pflege der Astrologie'
(mid-twenties). (TAE via Kloeckler via ‘Astrologie als Erfahrungswissenschaft’) | ||||||||
Richard: 26. 12. 1958, 2h 12m MET, Odenheim/D, 8° E 46’ 59° N 10’ -
Psychologist, data collector, esoteric, author, part time astrologer, taxi
driver. Intensive studies of eastern philosophy and depth psychology (C.G.
Jung). Student of Th. Dethlefsen and data correspondent of the
‘Taeger-Archives’. Advocate of a modern New-Age astrology. Special
interests: mundane and epistemological astrology. Book: ‘Lebendige
Astrologie’ (1989). (TAE via personal statement (d)/-possibly rectified via BC) | ||||||||
135 VIETH, Ira
Gertrud: 11. 1. 1942, 8h 45 MET/S, Muenster/Westphalia/D, 7° E 37’ 51° N
58’ - Financial expert, professional astrologer, author. Active and
certified member of ‘Deutscher Astrologenverband/DAV’ (1980).
Special interests: karmic astrology, Pluto research, great squares in
horoscopes. Book: ‘Das grosse Kreuz im Horoskop’ (1995).
(TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
Alexander von: 28. 8. 1948, 15h 37m MET, Zuerich/CH, 8° E 32' 47° N 22' -
German-Swiss archaeologist, historian, professional astrologer (Berlin),
data collector (correspondent of ‘Taeger-Archives’). Engaged in
social and political aspects of Buddhism (‘Buddha-Net’). Advocate of a
psychological and esoteric orientated astrology. Specialized in
rectifications via H. Kuendig and some methods of the Huber-School. As a
councellor: existential analysis, conflict clarifications, educational
advise. User of Koch houses (GOH) and author of an analysis of Bert
Brecht. Son of the Swiss artist and author Egon von Vietinghoff (* 6. 2.
1903, 23h 40m Amsterdam Time, Den Haag/NL, 4° E 18’ 52° N 06’ - 14. 10.
1994) and brother of the film-producer Joachim von Vietinghoff (* 8. 5.
1941, 17h 00m MET/S, Munich/D). (TAE via his own rectification (d),-15h 40m via BC/Egon: via mother,- rectified/Joachim: via p.statement(d)) Email: . Alxvieti@aol.com | ||||||||
137 VOGT,
Johann: 13. 2. 1813, 0h 24m LMT, Augsburg/D, 10° E 54' 48° N 22' (died: 4.
5. 1860, Munich/D, -suicide by shooting himself) - Psychic, clairvoyant,
astrologer. He predicted the fall of Sebastopol and the downfall of
Napoleon 3. For himself he calculated a big lottery win. As this failed he
shot himself. (TAE via DAV-Databank/TAE via B. Kindler: 12h 24m LMT via ‘Tiedes Astrologisches Lexikon’) | ||||||||
Ulrike: 9. 8. 1952, 16h 46m MET, Saarbruecken/D, 6° E 59' 49° N 14' -
Opera- and concertsinger, musicologist, philosopher, psychologist, member
of the Green-Party, professional astrologer, active and certified member
of the 'Deutscher Astrologen Verband/DAV', author. Advocate of a
psychological, feminist and more traditional astrology. Interest in
medical astrology. For a while she acted as president of the DAV
(election: 24. 3. 1991, 18h 19m MET, Bensheim/D - 1995). Books:
‘Gestaltastrologie - Die 12 Tierkreisprinzipien der Natur’, ‘Lebendige
Astrologie - Raum und Umwelt in den 12 Horoskopfeldern’ .
(TAE via ‘Meridian’, May 1991 via personal statement) Website: . www.dav-astrologie.de/dav/mitglied/voltmer.htm | ||||||||
Helmuth: 2. 2. 1899, 12h 00m MET, Dresden/D, 13° E 44' 51° N 03' (death
data unknown) - Professional astrologer. Student of Friedrich Schwickert
('Sindbad'), friend of the astrologer Frank Glahn. Co-founder of
the 'Kosmobiosophische Gesellschaft'. Advocate of a scientific,
esoteric and humanistic orientated astrology. Husband of the astrologer
Edith Wangemann. (TAE via G. Horn/-also 11h 50m rectified) | ||||||||
Edith: 29. 8. 1917, 21h 54m MET/S, Magdeburg/D, 11° E 38' 52° N 08' -
Esoteric, yoga practitioner, professional research astrologer, author,
publisher. After the death of her husband she took over the presidency of
the 'Kosmobiosophische Gesellschaft'. Editor of the magazine
'Sein und Werden'. Advocate of a scientific, psychological and
esoteric orientated astrology. Special interests: research on twins, the
hypothetical planet Transpluto (-whom she gave the name Isis), GOH (Koch)
houses. In 1986 she received for her life work the Marc-Edmund-Jones prize
in San Diego/USA. (TAE via personal statement (rectified)/-22h 00m MET/S via BC) | ||||||||
Fritz: 5. 4. 1907, 3h 30m MET, Insterburg/Koenigsberg/D, 21° E 48' 54° N
36' (died: 29. 4. 1987, early in the morning, Frankfurt/M./D, -stomach
cancer) - Professional astrologer, data collector, author. Student of E.
C. Kuehr. Active and certified member of the 'Deutscher Astrologen
Verband/DAV'. Friend and collaborator of W. Englert. Advocate of
traditional and mundane astrology. Research with primary and secondary
directions as well as solar returns. (TAE via personal statement) | ||||||||
142 WEBER, Karl:
16. 6. 1928, 7h 08m MET, Hamburg/D, 10° E 00' 53° N 33' - Businessman,
statistician, research astrologer, author, data collector. Student and
collaborator of R. Ebertin and committed advocate of Cosmobiology
(experimental and scientific astrology). Co-editor of the magazine
'Kosmobiologie'. Special interests: rectifications, research with
the 90° and 45° circle and mundane astrology. Editor of a yearly 22° 30' -
midpoint ephemeris (since 1977). Author of 'Präzise Astrologie -
Das 45°-System' (1989). (TAE via personal statement (d)) | ||||||||
143 WERLE,
Fritz: 1. 12. 1899, 15h 30m MET, Pforzheim/D, 8° E 42' 48° N 53' (died:
summer 1979) - Depth psychologist, esoteric, professional astrologer,
author. Advocate of a spiritual, esoteric, humanistic and psychological
orientated astrology. A profound and deep thinker and analysist. Books:
'Kosmos und Psyche', 'Schicksal und Erdraum', 'Seelenwelt
und Himmelsraum'. (TAE via ‘Astrologie Heute’, no. 24) | ||||||||
Gerd: 20. 8. 1941, 3h 30m MET/S, Edenkoben/D, 8° E 07’ 49° N 17’ -
Telecommunication engineer, instructor with Siemens-Nixdorf
(teleprocessing), esoteric, astrologer, author. Student of Th.
Dethlefsen. (TAE via personal statement (d) and via BC (d)) | ||||||||
145 WITTE,
Alfred: 2. 3. 1878, 21h 12m LMT, Hamburg/D, 10° E 00' 53° N 33' (died: 4.
8. 1941, 4h 01m MET/S, Hamburg/D, suicide) - Land surveyor, occultist,
psychic, professional astrologer, author. Colaborator of the magazine
‘Astrologische Rundschau’ (1919-23). Advocate of an esoteric and
experimental astrology. Initiator of Uranian astrology. Together with his
friend and collaborator F. Sieggruen he discovered by intuition the four
hypothetical planets Cupido, Hades, Zeus and Kronos. He also developed the
midpoint method and the graphical planetary structures, which R. Ebertin
(-an early student of Witte) integrated into Cosmobiology. Author of
'Regelwerk der Planeten' (1925), the basic reference book of the
Uranian School ('Hamburger Schule'). (TAE via U. Rudolph via personal statement (rectified)/-21h 00m via BC) | ||||||||
Rainer: 18. 5. 1948, 6h 55m MET/S, Recklinghausen/D, 7° E 12' 51° N 37' -
Mathematician, educator, musician (guitar), part time astrologer,
programmer of astrological software and owner of the software company
'Sterndaten'. Between 1978 - 82 he developed in collaboration with
Hans-H. Taeger the pioneering 'Astro-Brain' software which includes
all basic techniques of Astroenergetics. (TAE via personal statement via BC) Email: .. rwitulski@t-online.de | ||||||||
Ernst von: 26. 12. 1922, 18h 18m MET, Munich/D, 11° E 34' 48° N 08' -
Professional astrologer. Author of the astrological course 'Lehrgang
der Astrologie' and of 'Psychologie und Kosmobiologie'.
Advocate of a psychological and traditional orientated astrology.
(TAE via DAV-Databank via personal statement) | ||||||||
Friedrich: 10. 11. 1913, 0h 11m MET, Satteldorf/D, 10° E 05' 49° N 11'
(died 1967, throat cancer) - Economist, research astrologer. Member of the
study group H. Specht, W. Koch, F. Zanzinger. He designed and calculated
the geographical projections of the GOH-House-System of H. Specht, which
later became popular under the name 'Koch-Houses'. (TAE via H. Specht via personal statement) | ||||||||
149 ZEKUL,
Astrid: 23. 12. 1947, 10h 00m MET, Berlin-Tempelhof/D, 13° E 23’ 52° N 28’
- Physicist, mathematician, parapsychologist, esoteric, professional
astrologer (-since 1983), imagination- and meditation instructor. In the
70th she had intensive psychedelic experiences and Kundalini-awakenings.
Studies of western and eastern philosophy. Influenced by the work of Th.
Ring and E. von Xylander. Advovate of a spiritual, psychological and
humanistic astrology. As a councellor she works in the field of education
and careers guidance. (TAE via personal statement (d) via BC/-also 9h 48m MET via rectification) | ||||||||
Bodo: 8. 11. 1947, 22h 26m MET, Karlsruhe/D, 8° E 24’ 49° N 03’ -
Alternative healing practitioner, meditation instructor, reincarnation
therapist, parapsychologist, astrological software developer (-since
1982), entrepreneur, astrologer. Distributor of software products like
‘Cosmo-World’, 'CosmoData’, 'SunLight’,
‘SunWorld’, ‘Astro-Text’, 'SolaNova'. Book:
‘Paranormale Chirurgie auf den Philippinen’ (1982).
(TAE via ‘Meridian’, October 1992, via personal statement) Email: . bodozinser@compuserve.com - Are you a German astrologer and do you want to be included into this database, please send us your data and bio (photo and copy of birth certificate are welcome). If you are already part of this list and want your bio updated and/or enlarged, please let us know. - - Don't miss the TAEGER-ARCHIVES ©
on CD-ROM with 9000 data and biographies and 3000 data-updates, which will
be available in September 1999 (German version). An English edition is
planned for end of 1999.
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